karmas a bitch
Well-Known Member
How much does a gram of bho cost? Cuz this shit is a pain to make
I got the vac purger with the hand pump. If it doesn't work well I'll buy the compressor later.
Damn riu has been messed up. Hope during all this maintenance they bring the like button back
this site is fucked right up the ass today!
heres something for yur viewing pleasure ..... the last atlhlete really impressed me with his wheels!
Yeah KAB I don't think that thing holds anywhere close to 200 grams, think I was putting about 2-3 ozs. max. My fucking Gage and Cannaventure order is still sitting in NY at customs...........14 days and counting. Should I get worried YET? 7-10 days to my door every time from CZ, place my biggest order and get tracking and this is what happens? Mr. C says he has never lost a tracked order to the states..............what is that saying about never say never? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
According to my uncle who has a 20+ year history of being employed with the US Postal service...sometimes containers passing through customs get pulled and are delayed due to security inspection. 2 Weeks is usually about as long as the delays take.
I wouldn't worry too much. Beans make it through these Xray inspections quite often. Unless it's a huge order, it's nearly impossible to detect. With larger orders it's always better to break apart into several smaller orders.