The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
What do u mean ddid u miss something? Attitude says price match garauntee. But hempdepot is way cheaper....
Naw.. I was stoned skim searching the attitude and seen 6 euro's and thought to myself... shit, attitude fucked up the price... then yea... well you can guess the


Well-Known Member
So I was looking into rare dankness history trying to hunt down some samples of the GT haze and others before I bought... The dispencarys were out of the smoke ( one in the springs says it killer)
Anywho I thought just ordering from the tude I would get the same seeds as from Colorado right??
Guess not; from a blog I found;
Rare Dankness Seeds Colorado and the seeds offered on Attitude only share the names Rare Dankness and RD
Rare Dankness Seeds sold via Attitude Seed Bank are produced in Spain and California
Colorado Rare Dankness seeds are only sold in Colorado at dispensaries in 6 packs


Rebel From The North
Well the agent orange has gone back to to being all female :) seems the little light that got in during a routine night check
must of fucked with them! So all is well in the jungle!


pik'd up a 10 pk nevel haze,og kush,sour desiel,and hash bomb 20 seeds 10 free with order ,5 free fems cant remember them rt at the moment,a total of 65 more seeds to play with


Well-Known Member
So I was looking into rare dankness history trying to hunt down some samples of the GT haze and others before I bought... The dispencarys were out of the smoke ( one in the springs says it killer)
Anywho I thought just ordering from the tude I would get the same seeds as from Colorado right??
Guess not; from a blog I found;
Rare Dankness Seeds Colorado and the seeds offered on Attitude only share the names Rare Dankness and RD
Rare Dankness Seeds sold via Attitude Seed Bank are produced in Spain and California
Colorado Rare Dankness seeds are only sold in Colorado at dispensaries in 6 packs
hmmm... think this holds true for most? but, that is a total assumption on my part..


Well-Known Member
posted this in my SSSL thread but, was thinking some of you might have this in the vault and like to see ..

Super Silver Strawberry Lotus the one that didn't hermie day 31



Active Member
So I was looking into rare dankness history trying to hunt down some samples of the GT haze and others before I bought... The dispencarys were out of the smoke ( one in the springs says it killer)
Anywho I thought just ordering from the tude I would get the same seeds as from Colorado right??
Guess not; from a blog I found;
Rare Dankness Seeds Colorado and the seeds offered on Attitude only share the names Rare Dankness and RD
Rare Dankness Seeds sold via Attitude Seed Bank are produced in Spain and California
Colorado Rare Dankness seeds are only sold in Colorado at dispensaries in 6 packs
Legal seed producers in CO are only permitted to sell seeds in CO. And yes, production for RD is outsourced to Cali and Spain.

Sketch-that SSSL is looking good. Hopefully, it fills in with massive colas like the pic of temple on the tude. Speaking of the tude, anyone try the price match yet?


Well-Known Member
Hellraizer I HIGHLY doubt, to the point that I would almost say I know for certain, that a few seconds or even minutes of light leak on 1 or even 2 nights would cause a plant to herm. I haven't grown ao so I don't know how finicky that cross is but I very constantly have irregular light schedules and have accidentally given hours of indirect lighting multiole days in a row with no herms.


Rebel From The North
Hellraizer I HIGHLY doubt, to the point that I would almost say I know for certain, that a few seconds or even minutes of light leak on 1 or even 2 nights would cause a plant to herm. I haven't grown ao so I don't know how finicky that cross is but I very constantly have irregular light schedules and have accidentally given hours of indirect lighting multiole days in a row with no herms.
Yah your prob right, im just trying to see where i might of caused it but its more than likley a issue like with the plush


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the support .... you guys are a kewl bunch of fuckers :smile:
That being said, i will be shutting down my pm's and leaving here for a who knows how long time. Ive listened to you guys for the whole time, so im pretty sure i know what you want...sometimes paying attention is the best r&d around :smile:
Thanks for the good times people! Ill see you on the other side :fire:
say no to labcoats
Dizzle - out
Best of luck on your adventures Dizzle!

I don't care if you like me or not. i can grow the finest bud around just like some of you. I just don't devote my life to this pathetic site and talk about it all day. My friends would run circles around most of you. just cause you don't have bohdi beans or green gage genetics doesn't mean shit. i can get shit from dispensaries way before you can order them from some over priced bank.
we know. we seen the pics you've posted. goodbye.

well time for me to take a break from your clique and i will visit you sometime in the future and school you again.

So I was looking into rare dankness history trying to hunt down some samples of the GT haze and others before I bought... The dispencarys were out of the smoke ( one in the springs says it killer)
Anywho I thought just ordering from the tude I would get the same seeds as from Colorado right??
Guess not; from a blog I found;
Rare Dankness Seeds Colorado and the seeds offered on Attitude only share the names Rare Dankness and RD
Rare Dankness Seeds sold via Attitude Seed Bank are produced in Spain and California
Colorado Rare Dankness seeds are only sold in Colorado at dispensaries in 6 packs
they do what they have to do for legal reasons, its the same gear. just made in different places.


Well-Known Member
I very constantly have irregular light schedules and have accidentally given hours of indirect lighting multiole days in a row with no herms.
Funny how sometimes you get lucky! I had a Mental Floss that could have 15 perfect clones right next to one that hermed big time for no good reason. After a while I determined it liked to get real dry before you watered it and that seem to solve it for the most part.


New Member
with plush : imo : she cant take a single fuck up , a single burp in a schedule, or a single grower mis-step.

from 12/12 ... i move to 11/13 over one week (half hour then 3 days another 1/2 off 12/12) ...& total blown out hermi city?

in a basement lab w/ no light leaks & where everything is controlled to the letter?

i even noted "picking off nanners all day for plush" cause it tastes so yum ...but HOT DAMN not nanners like x-mas lights ...& they come back once she flips the dual sex switch.

subcool , mr. self proclaimmed "im the top canna breeder in the world" (?) , knew this about plushberry & put the project on the market anyway.

its dollars & cents. he hypes. & we buy.

its no different than a scientist researching X his whole life only to find out years & years into the data collection that Y is the truth.

said scientist 1) will not allow his work to stand for nothing & 2) he is gonna be biased to the core about anything Y represents.

applied to the canna-biz ...subcool worked that strain & knew there were issues with plush phenos ==> & put it out for us cause he invested time, engery, and money into its development.

sorry i say it again : NO WAY i pay $100 for 10 seeds (of which sub claims one winner in every 5) & have to pheno huunt TWO WAYS

... 1) for what i like ... & 2) for the non nanner pusher.

i know for a fact e$ko will ditch a strain after months & months of work for a single sterile nanner... nothing pisses him off more than hermi genetics.

the whole line ALWAYS gets dumped.

so, gudkarma wonders if sub ever grew out BCS en mass before ever making beans with it... clone only or not.

maybe make a test tent and fuck up the schedule, over nute, or whatever & peep the result.

^ e$ko never uses a parent he hasnt grown, smoked, and played with himself.
^ e$ko has such high standards that years of research & breeding cant over-ride his quality control philosophy.
^ e$ko would shit himself to hear his gear put out hermis in bunches of gardens.

sub doesnt give a shit , why? , cause he's playing "the blind scientist" .


Well-Known Member
now thats some in yo face info,gud
"so, gudkarma wonders if sub ever grew out BCS en mass before ever making beans with it... clone only or not."
^^i wonder the samething,its just to many reports,of herms,for him not to know something.