The seeds Lambo Strain 600 watt hps indoor grow PLANT PROBLEM 7weeks into flower


hello riu i have these clones under a 120watt led and 1 plant in flowering under 600 watt hps 1 plant in a 2ft by 4ft ebb&flow table heres what i do

my plant is 2ft 5inch topped 1 time i gotseeds from thseeds lambo strain

i flood 2 times aday sometimes 3

ph stays around 5.8 6.0 ph rises every day sometimes changes by the hour i ph down allmost everytime before i flood the table do to ph riseing i have to ph down

my PPM was around 800 i felt like it was getting a little nute burn so i brought it down to 550 500 ppm

i never spray leafs during flowering

i change out the rez every 7 days

ihave a 400 cfm outake and a 190 cfm intake fan intake fan runs 24/7 my exaust turns on every hour for 15min because i run co2 in my closet i dont run exaust 24hrs

here is the nute i use
silica blast
flora bloom
rapid root acc. gh

if any 1 can tell me how much of these nutes i need to use after i flush my 1 in flower would be great how much nutes should i use in a gallon in my nute line up and or if i need to get rid of one
heres my plant i dont know whats wrong with it the leafs are ugly and crispy when i touch or bend a leaf it snaps crispy like no moist i dont thinkits heat stress but what do think my temps stay between 85 and 89 rarely hits 89 and 67 to 80 at night

basicly if you see anything i should be doing for the last 2week of this plants life let me know



[h=1]Lambo[/h][HR][/HR]Deep from the Northwest hills comes the ultimate guerilla grower plant. Highly bug and mold resistant this Sativa/Indica hybrid will be your strongest ally in the war against the elements. Large resin coated buds and an incredible flavor that seems to change from inhale to exhale: it transforms from an Amaretto inhale to a vanilla, metallic lime exhale. Be the first to get your hands on Lambo™ and tell everyone that "you grew first bud"! We know... this doesn't make sense... But Lambo™ used to be called Rambo (we had to change the name due to licensing issues). You get it now, right?
[h=2]Specs[/h][HR][/HR]Type 2/3 Sativa 1/3 Indica
Jamaican Haze X Jamaican Purple X Super Afghan
Height 140 cm
Yield 400+ p.s.m.
Flowering Time 55-60 days



Ursus marijanus
With crispy leaves the immediate thought is "nute burn!" but you have your ppms low enough ... unless.

What sort of water are you using? What are its ppm before you add any nutrients? If it's hard water, you might have lockout.
If so, I'd just use plain water for this last week or two. Your plants look essentially finished to my inexperienced eye.
You could just chop them now.

The other thing I noticed is that your temps are very very high. This could make a condition (lockout or imbalance) serious when at a temp below 80º the plant would still be OK. So my long-distance diagnosis (pending more info) is lockout plus heat stress.
For your next grow I'd be sure to have RO water at hand, and work to bring the temps down at least ten degrees.
I noticed a gas regulator. How has the CO2 worked for you?


With crispy leaves the immediate thought is "nute burn!" but you have your ppms low enough ... unless.

What sort of water are you using? What are its ppm before you add any nutrients? If it's hard water, you might have lockout.
If so, I'd just use plain water for this last week or two. Your plants look essentially finished to my inexperienced eye.
You could just chop them now.

The other thing I noticed is that your temps are very very high. This could make a condition (lockout or imbalance) serious when at a temp below 80º the plant would still be OK. So my long-distance diagnosis (pending more info) is lockout plus heat stress.
For your next grow I'd be sure to have RO water at hand, and work to bring the temps down at least ten degrees.
I noticed a gas regulator. How has the CO2 worked for you?

the co2 worked great i used it later in the flowering stage like week 3 and i use ro water the whole grow i think i maybe didnt use enuff cal mag maybe not sure i bring ro water up to 160ppm then add regular nutes
and cannibaneer i think maybe i aded to much kool bloom it added like 200ppm to my rez what do you think im not good at forums so please bare with me on the info


hey canna what about my 3 leaf clones i had them under mu 600hps for a day just to get them out of the veg room cause i had to do maintenance in the room could the 3 leaf instead of 5 leaf be caused by that or because i cut them from a flowering plant the stems are very woodytoo not sure why


Ursus marijanus
The tree-leaf thing is no worry ... it's just a growth stage of those particular branches. Once grown as a plant, each one should fill out nicely. Unless you've cloned poison oak. ;)
The fact that you're using RO water (have you tested the output? RO machines can and do go bad ... ) throws a wrench into my thinking.

As for when to harvest ... that really is a personal call. I would do so now, or after a week in just water. How the hairs look is less important that the state of the trichomes (I'd read the stickies in the Curing anf Harvesting subforum). Some folks like the trichomes to go a certain percentage amber. For me, for my tates, that's too late. I don't think you'd be courting disaster to call this one "done".
I hope some old hand weighs in ... i'm a bit out of my depth. cn


Ursus marijanus
I do have one suggestion.
I am not sure how balanced a nute program that is. I am also using GH, but I am using just their three-part Flora base nutes ... Grow, Micro, Bloom.
I would get a quart of each (total $40 or less) and run my next batch on just that, with amybe some cal-Mag added only when I see a need for it. GH has two schedules - "Basic" and "Expert". the real diff between the two is "Expert" uses more products. "Basic" is the way to go imo.
Try a run on GH Flora "Basic". It might clear your lockup/imbalance issues. Best luck ... cn


yes the hairs on it are i say 80% amber but my trich are just cloudy and as far as whats wrong with the flowering plant i think i first nute burned it with the kool bloom and maybe like you said the heat might have stress it to causing more problems and

i will wait for your response to my hairs and trich color to see if ill be chopping today and also should i let it sit in dark for 48hrs before i chop thanks cannabi


im looking at your grow journal i will deff be sub and watching the grow good luck even tho i doubt u need it happy growing bro


Ursus marijanus
I guess what I would do is let it just run on water for a few days. No need to do the darkness thing ... i doubt that'll help, and it'll just invite rot into those fine fat colas. I really see no harm in chopping now. But you're the guy on the ground ... it's your call. I bet they smell great. cn


I guess what I would do is let it just run on water for a few days. No need to do the darkness thing ... i doubt that'll help, and it'll just invite rot into those fine fat colas. I really see no harm in chopping now. But you're the guy on the ground ... it's your call. I bet they smell great. cn

well its only 1 plant in flower but yes it smells fruity not a very strong smell but a fruity smell its 2ft 5inches and im hoping to get atleast 4ounces im clueless to how much it will yield tho

brewing up

Well-Known Member
it does look like nute burn, :-/ if i was you i would give it a good flush and replace the correct nutes


Ursus marijanus
well its only 1 plant in flower but yes it smells fruity not a very strong smell but a fruity smell its 2ft 5inches and im hoping to get atleast 4ounces im clueless to how much it will yield tho
The wet weight (groomed) will be 4 to 5 times the dry, cured weight.

<edit> Looking at your photo #3, I'm guesstimating between 3 and 5 ounces finished. cn