The Service Industry is for LOSERS


Well-Known Member
u can use one of my friend great critic attention the (heat dry)
it might help but you know cannabis can be too treated like wine
curing wise.


Right on, personally I don't like to quick dry my bud because I take all that time and effort into growing the product, so I might as well finish it off the "right" way. Obviously if you're outta weed you do whatcha gotta do, but no shortages over here, my friend! :)


The service industry does suck.

They treat you like crap and expect you be act like you are thankful for the job.

I used to work in the service industry. Five years of my life in fact.

I currently have a physical labor job that leaves me feeling pain every single day that I work.

You know what? I happily work my job rather than go back to the service industry.