The Shack's Outdoor Baby


Well-Known Member
So!! I might be inheriting this little lady, my bro is rethinking his interests in smoking/growing :-| oh well! not for everybody i guess. at any rate here is a few shots of her!

Her leaves are growing "funny" little wavy and curly. The bro has been doing a good job watering, keeping it moist, but NEVER soaking the soil. Just watering as needed to maintain moisture. I think it could be the intense heat we've been having lately. You're thoughts my friends?


PS looks like this little lady will probably end up in my backyard vegetable garden, a smaller autoflower should have no trouble being concealed by my tomato vine!



Well-Known Member
The seedling pictured here has been moved to my indoor cab.

My bro has given up on the grow, and i have this cabinet just sitting around.

Check the link in my signature for the redirect "The Shacks AeroGrow" for now..

New dedicated thread coming soon!
