The shake hands and make up thread.

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Just the thread I was looking for.

After I was banned recently, it really gave me some time to pause and think, you know, about how I was an inconsiderate asshole, and have made many grievous errors in judgement.

I hope you can all forgive me. I am a bad, bad man, and am going to be changing my ways from now on. I count on you all to hold me accountable.


Just the thread I was looking for.

After I was banned recently, it really gave me some time to pause and think, you know, about how I was an inconsiderate asshole, and have made many grievous errors in judgement.

I hope you can all forgive me. I am a bad, bad man, and am going to be changing my ways from now on. I count on you all to hold me accountable.


Good to see you.
Well its at a point where i have to pick sides. I dont want to do that because i like both "teams" equally. I dont like worrying that if i like a comment someone made and then the other "team" sees that they may think im taking someones side. I think its all in good fun like you, to a point. But that point has been reached and far surpassed.
I like anything that contains a laugh or an appreciated fact/sentiment.

screw you guys, I do what I want!
Well, I didn't shake hands. My wife and I are not arguing bUT I told her actually thank you.....she has been with me since 2002....and being a wife to a 14 yr Army Sgt is not the easiest job.....ive put her through soooo much shit that I don't think any of you females on here would for the past 15 yrs......without her I'd be dead......she has actually stopped me from hanging myself. .....not only do I deal with stress ,anxiety, depression, sleepless nights and constant body pain....but I deal with the stupids of colorado springs. ....

And now that I'm out of the army it is even tougher because civilians can't and won't understand the disability that veterans have......I may not look disabled but I am
She is literally my back bone...

Damn, I'm actually tearing up.

Sorry, I'll leave now
++ Rep

^^^^^^^^^^^ and that is the honest truth, good for you for saying it. It's sort of like the old Usenet flame wars where we all took sides and careers and reputations were won and lost.

On RIU however about this point in the build up of angst RIU's database breaks, there's an accidentally/fortuitous time out and we lose the posts wherein the reasons were laid out and some come back and others don't.

RIU is shuddering, we are simmering, and everyone is wondering how it will end. I am sorry you are feeling it too but for me needs must, to many good ones have been lost to keep the painful dreck.

I'd love to be able to choose a side, but neither side will have me on their team :( I don't even know who to troll anymore...
Just the thread I was looking for.

After I was banned recently, it really gave me some time to pause and think, you know, about how I was an inconsiderate asshole, and have made many grievous errors in judgement.

I hope you can all forgive me. I am a bad, bad man, and am going to be changing my ways from now on. I count on you all to hold me accountable.

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