The SHIFT is happening...


Well-Known Member
unfortunatly though the world will end for humans no matter what. On top of that, if a lot of people dont start dieing real soon there will be not enough room and resourses for everyone to live in the next few hundred years

so really we gotta pick like 1 billion people every however many years to kill or sombody gotta stop having kids.

cant change coarse if you keep increasing the demand but the supply never increases cuz earth is all we got, so they must match the death rate with the birth rate, which means for this to logically work vast populations need to be culled for thier dream in the video to work.

death is life, ask your plants

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
unfortunatly though the world will end for humans no matter what. On top of that, if a lot of people dont start dieing real soon there will be not enough room and resourses for everyone to live in the next few hundred years

so really we gotta pick like 1 billion people every however many years to kill or sombody gotta stop having kids.

cant change coarse if you keep increasing the demand but the supply never increases cuz earth is all we got, so they must match the death rate with the birth rate, which means for this to logically work vast populations need to be culled for thier dream in the video to work.

death is life, ask your plants

Is this all true...? is everything you are saying absolutley true?



unfortunatly though the world will end for humans no matter what. On top of that, if a lot of people dont start dieing real soon there will be not enough room and resourses for everyone to live in the next few hundred years

so really we gotta pick like 1 billion people every however many years to kill or sombody gotta stop having kids.

cant change coarse if you keep increasing the demand but the supply never increases cuz earth is all we got, so they must match the death rate with the birth rate, which means for this to logically work vast populations need to be culled for thier dream in the video to work.

death is life, ask your plants
humans have a problem of hanging in groups, were sheep that hate being alone, that's why the world seems so crowded, because we hang in crowds....but in reality we are only populating a small portion of the planet, we occupy a tiny portion of the land, most of it is unpopulated and on top of that the there is the whole worlds water system which we have barely delved into and it takes up 80% of the world....Humans are far from over populating the earth...there are many more plants and insects on this planet than humans..........Hang out in cities and crowds and the world seems over populated.....but go spend a year in the Yukon or the cascade mountains or even fucking Amboy California(population 8 ) and tons of other places on this planet and the world will seem empty..........:mrgreen::joint::peace:


there is plenty of earth for everyone, we need to realize that and stop being plastic and be real..LIVE....we are not a separate entity, we are the's a whole....not Humans and the Earth we are born from this Earth and just as much a part of it as anything else.


I think there might be a consumption problem... not necessarily a population problem

true I agree, humans are consuming wasting pigs.....but I don't think that makes us any worse than the plague, or aids....all of us are living creatures that do our part to destroy and create....we just need to realize we might not be any better than a bacteria, or a spider mite, all living things are a pest to this earth in some aspect, it just depends what creature you ask........reality is relative....

My name is 000420 and I have a consumption problem


Active Member
I think if we truly wanted to get back on the right "track" as this movie showed I would put my vote towards anarchism, only because then would we have a natural population control (WE COULD FINALLY KILL ONE ANOTHER OTHER W/O ANY LEGAL CONSEQUENCES) i.e. only the strong genetics would survive which leads to a strong genetic makeup for man, just as you keep only the dominant marijuana genes you like and fuckin ditch the rest

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
humans have a problem of hanging in groups, were sheep that hate being alone, that's why the world seems so crowded, because we hang in crowds....but in reality we are only populating a small portion of the planet, we occupy a tiny portion of the land, most of it is unpopulated and on top of that the there is the whole worlds water system which we have barely delved into and it takes up 80% of the world....Humans are far from over populating the earth...there are many more plants and insects on this planet than humans..........Hang out in cities and crowds and the world seems over populated.....but go spend a year in the Yukon or the cascade mountains or even fucking Amboy California(population 8 ) and tons of other places on this planet and the world will seem empty..........:mrgreen::joint::peace:
I don't think so, i rather be alone because people are assholes.
I find peace when im alone.

As for population yes it is ridiculous,
but thx to genetic engineering
we can make food.

I think if we truly wanted to get back on the right "track" as this movie showed I would put my vote towards anarchism, only because then would we have a natural population control (WE COULD FINALLY KILL ONE ANOTHER OTHER W/O ANY LEGAL CONSEQUENCES) i.e. only the strong genetics would survive which leads to a strong genetic makeup for man, just as you keep only the dominant marijuana genes you like and fuckin ditch the rest
It's not that simple to kill people, well not up close anyway.

Ever hear of combat stress? or even PTSD?

Besides do you really think we have the right to take another persons life?

Maybe in a dangerous situation, that i understand
but nonetheless,
murdering people for the sake of lowering the population
by no means makes it right.


Well-Known Member
only the strong genetics would survive which leads to a strong genetic makeup for man, just as you keep only the dominant marijuana genes you like and fuckin ditch the rest
in nature weed naturally devolps into weak fast flowering plants cause these are the ones that get everything first an the late bloomer strong plant doesn't get seeded an dies we lose the genes only by humen interference that we have such strong weed..not only do we need to take out a billon we also need to inact laws that make people not have kids or so many some of the xtra poor peeps i know having their 3-4th welfare baby is just a shame...
It's not that simple to kill people, well not up close anyway.

Ever hear of combat stress? or even PTSD?
these are symtoms of someone in combat..walkin up an just killing someone is different..your not underfire they are...besides death is great...

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
in nature weed naturally devolps into weak fast flowering plants cause these are the ones that get everything first an the late bloomer strong plant doesn't get seeded an dies we lose the genes only by humen interference that we have such strong weed..not only do we need to take out a billon we also need to inact laws that make people not have kids or so many some of the xtra poor peeps i know having their 3-4th welfare baby is just a shame...

these are symtoms of someone in combat..walkin up an just killing someone is different..your not underfire they are...besides death is great...
Really and where is your information?

I suggest you read more.

Killology Research Group: Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, Author - Jonesboro, Arkansas

It is not simple to walk up at kill somebody
and by no means is different.

Many people who have had killed,
due suffer from PTSD.

It's proven by statistics and by professionals who study the field.


Well-Known Member
We were never meant to rule this planet for all time. Every species has its time. We are currently having ours. It will all come to an end whether it is we humans that cause it, environmental change, or major meteor impacts.

World peace will never happen. There's no money to be made off of peace. A country is defined by it's military might. War brings unity. It's a way for a government and its armies to justify their existence.

I'm not advocating it. It just is.


Active Member
Shift Happens! :)

I'm quite fascinated by all of this. For the past decade, at least, there's been a Global Conversation going on, via the internet, about this very thing. It's occuring in all walks of life, involving millions of people -- and growing all the time.

This is no time for doom and gloom. This is an exciting and critical time to be alive and to be involved.

Follow Your Bliss