The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

[QUOTE="SICC";3081053]they look great man, i got mine in the sun as well :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah - My room window gets a steady 5hours of daylight so why the eff not right?! Free countless lumens!!!! :fire:

Otherwise they are down here...


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Updated pictures of mine. Whats this day 17 of the contest now?


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idk lmao i like that guy he cracks me up ..... hope his plant didnt die that thing looked real sick

SHARPIES !!!! where u at bro!!!!!
this is who all entered lol

Here here!

I'll give it a shot (glass), starting tomorrow.

1.5oz shot glass
CFL or natural light
no nutes :weed:

Cant wait to see these turn out.

I am waiting on my roots to start and I will join this wagon, may be a little late, I hope not, I want in.

Will have set up:
1 Pure Power Plant clone
1.5 oz pot, with holes already in bottom.
Dirt, vermeculite mix.
398 watts CFL 6500k and 2700k.

Hope I wont be to late to get in on this.
Peace Out RIU

Just been lurking around RIU, and just found this thread! This looks like a fun waste of time and I hope I'm not too late to get in on it. Got all my materials I'll use and I'll be planting my seed Monday afternoon after its done soaking. I know its not much of a setup, and thrown together on the spot pretty much. It will be interesting to see how it goes (if at all) compared to the experienced growers. Will post pics when and if she sprouts! Cheers and good luck to all :-P

Here is my setup!

Bag seed
Windowsill light
MG organic soil
MG nutes
1.5 oz shot glass


Finally found my camera, here is a pic of my entry, bag seed in soil.

here is mine.. whoopeee

im def gonna use my belly button as a trial run ill tell u how that goes.

I'm in aswell:

3 x Chocolate Chuck clones (will be cut tomorrow, put into cloner, and put in beakers when roots show)

3 x 50ml Beakers
1 x DWC/Bubbleponics
1 x Perlite
1 x Soil

150w 6500k CFL
105w 2300k CFL

I'll add pictures when I can.

I'm also in. What am i using?
-walmart soil
-pill bottle

(pictures comming)

EDIT: I just read no container mods, and I clearly did. Sorry guys! :P Should I delete my post?

So it just happens to be that I started sprouting in a 1" cup, so I might keep it in that for this contest. If the health of my only plant is at risk, I'll bow out and transfer it.

I took two plastic cups, tapped one with electrical tape to prevent light seeping into the roots. It also thickened it, so there is an area at the bottom between the two cups. I made a hole in the first, to allow it to drain, and holes on the 2nd on the bottom sides.

It's in Scotts top soil, a tiny drop of nutes early on, about 5 days old in this pic, up to 6 days now. No clue if it's male or female, just some bagseed.

It's under a single 23w (100w eqiv) 1600 lumens, 6500k CFL for now.

First 3 days had 24hrs of light, now it's on 12/12. I plan on LST it around the cup with colorful vinyl paperclips.

EDIT: Added shot from today, to show the setup. I gave a bit too much water last night I guess :P It's also much brighter than it appears.

--Two 1.5 oz Shot Glasses (no holes)
--Two Random Bagseed
--Using Cfls
--Walmart Soil (Feeds Up To 9 Months)
--27 August 2009 Planted Seeds in Shot Glasses


one 1.5 oz pot

I'm in. Here's my clone. Still waiting for the seed to pop. The seed finally cracked today, so it will be a couple of days for that one. But here's my shot glass clone.

400watt HPS
12/12 from the start
MG soil.
1.5oz. shot glass.

Theres going to be a lot of back and forth linking going on with these two threads.. lol Anyways, this is that I got. Lets DO this!

bag seed
3x 2" pots and 1x 2.5" pot
Coco Coir/perilite/compost
starting under 18.6 CFL
moving to 12.12 400W HPS

Heres what I got:


my clone is already rooted it was a left over .
its in a 1.5 oz green st.pattys day shot glass.
the medium is moisture control miracle grow.
it will be under 1200 watts of hps
but is currently under flourescents for veg.
the strain is chronic from

got bagseed
will be using cfls
miracle grow moister controlled soil
will use mg nutes
im 12 hrs early sorry
will post pic when she pops
WOW and only 4 of us have updated i think we should be the only 4 in the contest :) unless some other people start updating
Its a shame tho, i was excited to see others do this as well, alot of them didnt have too many posts, they might just pop in one day,
we included you haha, you were the one of the few we were talkin about, like 8 more pople did one pic and that was it
she asleep now but ill post ssome pics tomorrow? fixin to smoke a bowl now. just smoked my last cig. quiting so guess i smoke more weed
[QUOTE="SICC";3082200]we included you haha, you were the one of the few we were talkin about, like 8 more pople did one pic and that was it[/QUOTE]
i have posted a couple pics
but it looks like im out of this one
my lil boy knocked it off the counter and knocked it all out so instead of trying to stuff it back in.....i just put it in a lil 3 in pot.....
ill post some pics
[QUOTE="SICC";3082330]thats cool, we still wanna see your work

could just be a mini grow off haha[/QUOTE]
well here it is
it suffered from ph prob in that shot glass.....really no way to check it......its good now though
its a lil over 2 weeks popped on that thursday

[QUOTE="SICC";3082566]lol the pic didnt show up[/QUOTE]
r u sure cuz i can see them
i couldnt put it as an attch cuz it said it was an invalid i pasted on the message
