the skinny on vaporizors?


Well-Known Member
i like them alot. I have a few friends that have god onec that are very nice to smoke... but I can wait a few years for the prices to drop :)


New Member
What are they. I've heard them a lot around here but I still don't know what they are.


Well-Known Member
You get what you pay for.
I have a Volcano I got from the company that makes it, ordered it C.O.D online for $539. Comes with a 3 year warranty too.
I love it more than a lot of things.

Only worry about either that, or the Super Vapezilla. Everything else just won't be as primo, period.

A vaporizer is basically a super duper smoking device that just heats up and blows hot air through the bud which just takes the THC out of it and put it into whatever the air's blowing into (a bag on my volcano, everything else is like just a tube.) It makes schwag taste like primo/hashish, and it's real potent. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty much harmless and won't stink the place up.

I LOVE the Volcano, worth every dollar. You can be chillin' alone and use like, not even a bowl pack of reggie and just get fuckin' blazed.


Well-Known Member

I LOVE the Volcano, worth every dollar. You can be chillin' alone and use like, not even a bowl pack of reggie and just get fuckin' blazed.[/quote]\

not my type of thing but if u think about it that way if ur a heavy smoker u save money in the long run that is if u dont grow


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy being able to basically get twice as high off of half as much bud that tastes 10 times better.

Oh yeah, it's practically harmless too.

Win win.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have a vaporizer and rarely use it. I like a head high over the body buzz the vaporizer gives me.


Active Member
You get what you pay for.
I have a Volcano I got from the company that makes it, ordered it C.O.D online for $539. Comes with a 3 year warranty too.
I love it more than a lot of things.

Only worry about either that, or the Super Vapezilla. Everything else just won't be as primo, period.

A vaporizer is basically a super duper smoking device that just heats up and blows hot air through the bud which just takes the THC out of it and put it into whatever the air's blowing into (a bag on my volcano, everything else is like just a tube.) It makes schwag taste like primo/hashish, and it's real potent. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty much harmless and won't stink the place up.

I LOVE the Volcano, worth every dollar. You can be chillin' alone and use like, not even a bowl pack of reggie and just get fuckin' blazed.

Very well said!!!! Volcano Rocks!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lots of people have been asking about vaporizers lately . . . . kind of interesting.

edit: chicheh vapes give you a body high!? usually people bitch about there being only a head high. so you getting a body high from one is kind of a trip . . . haha.


Active Member
A vaporizer is basically a super duper smoking device that just heats up and blows hot air through the bud which just takes the THC out of it and put it into whatever the air's blowing into (a bag on my volcano, everything else is like just a tube.) It makes schwag taste like primo/hashish, and it's real potent. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty much harmless and won't stink the place up.

pretty much, to give a little more detail, when you light up a bowl you are bringing the plant material to "combustion" (somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 degrees F) which puts the THC in the air, but also many of the carcinogens/toxins you don't want

The THC crystals on the plant "vaporize" at a much lower temperature (350-400 degrees F) so you significantly lower the amount of byproducts you are recieving and you are getting almost all THC vapor (it isn't smoke).

So the vaporizer just keeps that steady temperature while air is pulled across the herb and voila you have your bag of vapor (well unless you have the host style vaporizer)