The Skunklab - DWC Stealth Cabinet and 4X4 Tent

Running 1050ppm, 6.0ph, 78f ext res. Not bad for flower week two eh?

750ppm, ph 6.0, 78f res
Looking to take these another two weeks if possible.
God damn that blue dream looks good! You should definitely keep that blue dream around for a long time, she produces heavy, sweats resin, and is just a happy and easy plant to grow. I'm going to hook you up fat for the original clones, these have proved themselves to be a new staple in my garden.

I think I pulled 2/3 a pound off my 2 under the scrog, pretty stoked about it. I'll know for sure in a week or 2. I'll measure in a week, or else I'll smoke all my numbers away, I've been on just hash for a while now and it's good to have nug around again.

Those SFV's are looking good man, really good, but they are dwarfed by that BD, but that 9 leafer is going to produce! She was your mom right? I am lower on clones than I'd like to be because my mom started to flower because of an issue with a timer. I found that out like 2 days after taking clones, and I'm pretty sure these are all going to reveg on me, unless by some miracle they didn't get that deep into flowering, which I am positive it was enough to fuck up clones.

I'm digging the look of the LED and the HPS combo, pretty colors, lol. And the Hindu Skunk are looking much better, sure are going to pull a lot of good material for making hash off those babies.
i take clones up to two weeks into flower. no big deal at all. they will be fine. if anything, my biggest concern when cuttings show flowers is mold on all the small yet large surface area flower bits. essential to spray these with tea when they go in.
i did not tea spray the last batch of clones. for the first time in a month or two, i've had to toss out 3 clones due to the fuzzies. use tea.

yeah the bd has taken over the tent, but that's alright. the sfv in there wer mostly to produce more clones anyway, hell this whole grow is mostly a test. we'll get serious next time, scrog it a little nicer, hopefully not take a month to root .. little shit.

the tall stalks of bd are all tied to hold them out of the direct light, else they'd be touching and burning and i've had enough of that shit in the cab lately. there are still a couple that need moved out of the way, will get them later tonight. finally figured a neat way to do it.

the HS will give at least 4 or 5 kick ass tight colas, but i don't think they will be the big ones. will get a couple oz of good smoke at least. lesson learned with HS: flip them immediately upon entering the cab. do not wait for them to fill the screen, then flip. must be prepared for mega stretch, use it for the screen fill. maybe even run just one plant in the cab. we'll see. next grow in the cab will be HS again since it's been so heat tolerant, we'll do better.
oh and have to mention, now that the weather isn't so hot (90f) this room is performing beautifully. radiant barrier insulation is really good stuff. "night" temps are now 77-79f, lights on peaks at around 88f, a little high but not too big a deal with CO2 boosted proper and good humidity (40% nearly all the time).
i've got 2 or 3 clones (HS) showing the same sort of behavior as the stuff in the tent before it was rooted properly, when i had drippers running so much that the rockwool essentially waterlogged. when this happens it's like the plant refuses to drink anything at all, roots start going brown, all the other expected stuff.

going to see if i can solve this problem, but no worries if not. out of the couple hundreds clones ive kept in party cups, just now 3 show this for the first time? i know it's not the best technique in the world but something else has to be wrong. never seen overwatering in party cups produce this. going to let them just dry out while keeping them up with foliars.


one looks almost identical to the sfv that i chucked from tent to outside, which died within a week or so. it's like the rockwool rots or something. see the dark areas on the cubes in these shots. there's no smell. brown roots but no slime, no root rot stink. is this really just waterlogged rockwool?

too bad. that fat one has at least 6 tops already at that size. it would have gone into a netpot to prepare for the next cabinet run tonight. fail.
Could absolutely be just overwatering. Punch a hole in the side of the lower portion of the cup, make them little hempy cups.
i am going to start by making a small res out of a 5 gal bucket, throw a small pump in there to get a dripper loop going into the cabinet. from there i'm going to try drippers in each clone cup on a very slow feed, just once per day. i'd like everything in this section to be on a low diet anyway, nothing needs to be growing quickly in there. if i can dial it in so that the system delivers just enough juice so that overwatering or spillage can't really be an issue, then great. otherwise that's exactly it, hempy cups with a drain tray underneath. it's just getting that drain tray onto my little ledge in there that makes it a bitch. will figure it out, starting on it today. finally.
Make an aerocloner, they are great. Same amount of effort as your 5 gal drip system. better, more consistent results.
Hello phenob :)

Sorry to see you have some clones with overwatering/root problems. I agree aerocloner would take alot of the guesswork out of cloning. I have almost no failures using mine.

Just scanning through your journal and its pretty dam imprssive. Still getting used to the new forum but I'll definitely be following your grow!

Hey thanks Myles. The reason I'm leaning toward a drip setup is so that i can stay flexible as far as containers go. I typically have a handful of clones in party cups, a few in 5 or 6" net pots that i'm preparing for one of the flower chambers, a mom or two, that sort of thing. with a drip system i can just pop a dripper into whatever, adjust the feed and done. i still have a more "pro" clone/teen/veg/whatever/mom chamber project in the works later this year, for which i am considering exactly that .. some sort of aero system.
it's also worth mentioning that the clones having issues now are all from the same batch and all hindu skunk. of the two clones, only one had a significant amount of liquid in the party cup, enough to make me agree about overwatering. the other was was just moist, no standing water, what i would normally consider about ideal. both rockwool conditions look the same.

clones have been out dangling roots in the air for almost 24 hours now. no real change in condition other than probably killing the roots. was hoping to have the rockwool dry out but no significant change has occurred. healthy rockwool would certainly be drying out by now, as clones in the chamber which were moist yesterday are dry and needing water today. these just aren't giving up their fluid to either the plant or the air.

all that said, i think the dark gnarly spots on the cubes tell all. if they weren't overwatered now, they were in the past. pathogen now or not, eliminate the overwatering should solve the case.
Anything with black spots is garbage. If you think about how rockwool is made, it seems likely that their would be inconsistencies in the product, even in just a few cubes out of a cut.
the dark spots are always easily crumbled away too, really just like they are rotten. no smell though, nothing i can detect anyway. there has to be more to this than just overwatering. ive been overwatering party cups with these same rockwool cubes for a year now without a single case of this, and much more drastic overwatering too. i've been very conservative lately.

this is also the exact same problem that was caused in the tent with the drippers going. exact same look and feel to the cubes, exact same behavior of plants.

no change on the ones i'm trying to cpr. rockwool drying out some so, if the plants can keep it up for another day, maybe better tomorrow.
hydrofarm water pumps that don't fit any existing size of tubing whatsoever are also garbage.

i sure wish another company would come into the market to give hydrofarm a run for their money. preferrably a vendor who develops products geared to be a couple bucks more expensive and not pieces of chinese plastic garbage.
I haven't bought anything from Hydrofarm in a while, they fucked us all over when they went to only Chinese manufacturers and sold out to KMart. Fucking KMart! Fuck Hydrofarm and everyone that wears their shirt in public. I might use their shirt as an undershirt for work when I have no other options, that is about it. I guess I should piss on it and throw it into a fire. lol.
Seriously. even this fucking CO2 reg is making that fucked up buzzing noise again. it's just the solenoid housing not put together solidly. go figure.

Working on the clone/mom/whatever chamber tonight. need a clever name for it. picked up a $15 hydrofucked bomba, running 1/2" line into the chamber from the outside where it will feed from a simple bucket. once in the chamber, 1/2" line T's into a loop, from which i shall attach a number of 1/4" taps for drippers. fuck the drip stakes etc at hydro stores. checked today and they don't carry anything but 2gal/hr. went to Lowe's and, for $5, a bag of 10x .5gal/hr drippers. they have a much better assortment for generally better prices than any hydro store i've seen.

here's some fun facts so far:

2gal/hr drip stakes average delivery 20ml per minute.
.5gal/hr drippers average 12/ml per minute.

also found some plastic drawer organizer things at the dollar store that i'm now using on the ledges in the chamber. if the input works well i'll go ahead with hempy cups and just fit a drain into each organizer (4 party cups per), then feed them all directly out of the room on another 1/2" line. really i could then just use like one or two drippers feeding into each organizer (i will call these basins from now on), letting it fill up to where the level tops the holes in the cups, then drain out, leaving cups filled. i'd actually rather not even have this much standing water in each cup unless somethings off, so going ahead with the idea of one dripper per cup, throwing in 12ml per feeding, no more than twice per day until everything in the system is ready for more. plants already ready for more will get more than one dripper, etc.

also left the led in the tent on for 3 hours after "sundown". that's a bad job by me.
How did the timer fuck up? Or are you doing it manual like a crazy bastard?

12ml seems much more reasonable, and Lowes also has flood and drain trays by the concrete blocks in the corner of the store, 2x3 trays for 15 bucks. I know buying these makes me as bad as Hydrofarm, but fuck it, I'm not Hydrofarm, lol! I can't believe how I can read descriptions of how a hydro system is set up and just picture it perfectly. This kind of shit used to fry my brain for hours on end. It's like math, as long as you keep using the information you have learned it is super easy. You let your brain rest without thinking about it for a few months or more and you are like "wait.... what?"

well, it's kinda funny really. the grow room space also doubles as my recording studio.
the cabinet is the vocal booth. when i say stoner rock, i fucking mean it. even though it's out of necessity, you'd be surprised how good the vocal tracks sound going at a cabinet full of weed in bloom.
maybe once a week i do mic takes in here that require all systems shutdown for noise. i hit the timer to turn it back on, but didn't turn it back to "auto" mode. bleah.

i've settled on 24ml once daily. 12ml just disappeared into the cube. 24ml leaves the cube moist just about as i'd like.

got 7 drippers working now and it's excellent. need more elbows and another pack or two of .5gal drippers/stakes. i'll also tie down the basins so no accidents.
eventually this will be redone a bit, cleaned up, lines run out of the way of the light, etc. quick and dirty for now, but so far it works great. timer will go for two minutes a day and we'll adjust as needed.

rockwool rot - serious factor overlooked. i don't think overwatering was the primary cause of this. i think it was the tea spillage. i think all of the clones with this problem were ones that got poured on directly with tea. add a constant moist condition and something nasty this way came.

two of the affected plants are still alive, rockwool dried okay about 48 hours later, but i don't think they are going to make it. they are in a bad way, but haven't given up, just to see if i can rescue them. now that they are dried out, going to foliar then get them back under the real light.
oh and total cost of drippers into veg cab will be about $60 for max 30 drippers. i will install 24.