that ghandi quote about first they ignore us, then they ridicule us, then they fight us, then we win.. been very relevant lately.
they are fighting us now, out in the open, real proper like.
we win soon.
but in the meantime we need to be a little more careful.
begin flushing the tent tonight, flower day 58. flushing straight out the tap with final phase. ppm had crept up slightly to 1200 at peak flower, ph dead on stable, plants loving it. res temp has been 75ish.
350ppm, ph 6.0, 68f now - tent
i am not monitoring the cab res constantly anymore, trimeter is in the tent for now. it's rolling fine at around 1k ppm, 6.0ph, 75f. woody scrogging away, master kush now touching the screen. larry finally coming to life (REALLY slow laying roots. i mean REEEEALLY slow), and platinum bubba full speed ahead, about 2/3rds of the way to the screen.