The Skunklab - DWC Stealth Cabinet and 4X4 Tent

Hell yeah dude, that Blue Dream is going to be a fucking champ. The bubbles in the tea means there is a lot of life actively doing it's thing. Did you add more guano or castings than normal? Extra guano usually does it to my tea, and I love the extra P/K, good for everything.
I went a little heavy on the molasses, that's the only difference. Also a new hose for the teabag but i can't imagine that will make any real difference whatsoever aside from less chunks in the tea. I would not have applied the carb heavy tea to the cab dwc if i had thought about it first, but it seems fine.

That brown "sludge" buildup that I've always gotten on the roots? The stuff that washes right off to expose white underneath .. it's from liquid karma, not the tea. I had it this time a week before applying tea. Not a problem at all, just finally found the actual cause.

Also note the HS that wouldn't take over 750ppm in the cab last time .. i took clones from those plants, and that's what went into the cab to flower before being stuck outside. These are the super healthy (but small) plants, and they had no problem being absolutely stable ph and ppm-wise at a little over 1k ppm. What does this mean? Well, it seems to indicate that you can have a strain that really doesn't like higher ppms, take a clone and basically adjust it over time to deal with higher ppms. I've noticed this several times in the past, now I'm convinced. I'll experiment more with this the next time I have some genetic stock that doesn't like over 750ppm.
Well I believe the molasses feeds the bacteria so that would cause more foam. I think the heat really had the biggest effect on your HS. The difference between this grow and last is night and day by every aspect, but the biggest change is that now it has a near perfect environment to flower, while the conditions of the flower cab in the summer heat were tough.
aint that the truth.

out here now and it's perfect. evc-1 set to about 85f tops (by its reading, 82-83 for realZ y0), CO2 staying on for 15+ minutes. room at just over 60f = 68-72f minimum temp in cab. that's perfect.

im going to repeat this bit about perfect when it get's freakin cold out here for humans!
also just realized my AC has been on low fan this whole time. ha. AC has not been needed at all out here for a day or three. winter is going to be a much more friendly electricity bill.

on another note, lots of action recently by our friends the feds, especially here in CA. be careful.
I know. I'm glad I held off on any official co ops. I was planning on already having one up by now if it wasn't for a minor set back. Good thing for me. Fucking feds, I thought Obama said no more of this shit! I guess they are focusing on places with more than 99 plants, but still, fuck them, this is bullshit. The only thing I see happening right now is that a lot of old disabled people are going to find themselves getting ripped off on the street. Way to go everybody, you've successfully pushed the Black Market back in first place in the ganja market, your mothers would be so proud!
that ghandi quote about first they ignore us, then they ridicule us, then they fight us, then we win.. been very relevant lately.
they are fighting us now, out in the open, real proper like.
we win soon.

but in the meantime we need to be a little more careful.

begin flushing the tent tonight, flower day 58. flushing straight out the tap with final phase. ppm had crept up slightly to 1200 at peak flower, ph dead on stable, plants loving it. res temp has been 75ish.

350ppm, ph 6.0, 68f now - tent

i am not monitoring the cab res constantly anymore, trimeter is in the tent for now. it's rolling fine at around 1k ppm, 6.0ph, 75f. woody scrogging away, master kush now touching the screen. larry finally coming to life (REALLY slow laying roots. i mean REEEEALLY slow), and platinum bubba full speed ahead, about 2/3rds of the way to the screen.
also for anyone following along, like obama says, let's be absolutely clear:
do not EVER, under ANY circumstance grow more than 99 plants. 100 plants makes you a federal felon, subject to the extremities of our fine nation's pot punishments.
there is NO state permit that allows you to grow up to 99 plants. this is complete myth. i've even seen cops believe it, but it's not true, just a complete shady pot doc ripoff scheme. you get the state limit and that's that. how you juggle what is essentially "i'm growing on behalf of so and so" is up you, but do not exceed 99 plants. period. ever.

now go occupy something and make a positive difference, one toke at a time.
Do not recommend scrogging Master Kush, she doesn't stretch much. Maybe 1/3x her size, possibly 1/2x, but it's tough to say, my timers got switched up, so I'm not sure exactly when she started to flower. Cropping today though. Watch out for mold on her!! These raids are unjust, unless someone decides to totally fuck our rights in their hole, I don't think this will continue on to a further point of severity.
master kush is looking very good so far. since getting the hang of dwc it has matched the growth rate of woody, but woody was hauling ass from the get go. I suspect it was a much older clone.
just scrogging in the veg as a limiter on how tall they will get. once all four plants are up and at the scrog, i'll remove the screen, take a round of clones to balance out the plants as best as possible, then off into the tent they go.

(reality: they are going into the tent as soon as it's sterile, because the veg/flower rotation is already fucked up here in the lab, yet again. we'll roll as best as possible as above.)

found a fucking caterpillar munching on woody. sneaky little fucker too. i knew he was there, can't miss the signs now, but still took three passes with the 10x scope to find him.
squished, as was the unanimous decision for caterpillar punishment previous.
I always squish em, no exceptions, besides the one I threw in the toilet and pissed on, but I swear I heard him make a remark about my mother.

How is that Tree grow going? Still burrowing it's way into the LED? When you harvest that thing you should hang it up at a carnival and charge people to guess it's weight.

Good to hear the screen is just for height, I just do not think master is a scrogging plant.
took that nice looking sfv out of the clone cab and into the dwc. larry og still looks like shit, i don't think it's going to make the cut. next round in tent = sfv, woody og, plat bubba, master kush. i don't think any of those will stretch much more than any of the others, should all be fairly low growing strains. could be wrong about plat bubba.

the harvest window for the tree starts thursday onward. flushing now for what .. 3 days? it's huge, still putting on weight, really swelling up. the thrips are starting to mount a comeback but they are in for a big fucking surprise late tonight when 20lb of CO2 comes a rollin' in for 6+ hours. going to open up all cabinets and tent and just gas the whole room. there's no way those fuckers are just in the tent at this point. insecticide brutality around the outer walls, etc tomorrow.

putting a couple beans into rockwool tonight.

will definitely order more ladybugs. i have found zero impact to the plants whatsoever, no turds, no nothing, even with over a thousand into a 4x4 tent. i think a healthy population of these, plus the occasional addition of nematodes for fungus gnats, is really all you need as a preventative against insects on young plants.
20# of CO2 emptied into the room this morning for about 4 hours. Left everything open, tent, cab, etc and opened er up in the middle of the room. To those who haven't done this before, don't open full wide haha! tried it and knocked everything off my table.

hopefully this is more effective than the last CO2 release.

honorable mention to mad bong rip holding skillZ. opened door to vent CO2 and dove in to zip up the tent, etc in the light. Got everything closed up proper and taken care of without a second breath. I'd be a great diver if it didn't freak me the fuck out.
the CO2 gassing was not effective. It killed some ladybugs, hopefully slowed the thrips down enough that they won't be an issue again in the next 3 days. Otherwise, pretty much a waste of $20. There are definitely still thrips about. I will harvest this weekend and then this room gets as sterilized as I can get it. Ladybugs seem to do pretty good keeping plants clean so long as they aren't having to fight back an established infestation. I am certain they have eaten at least two very small caterpillars. If I can get the room clean and the thrips fucked up at or near their source (probably outside), then I should be alright moving forward.

Unless the gassing had something to do with how FUCKING OMG JAW DROPPING awesome everything in that tent looks today, in which case, repeat daily.

Add small boy filter to the setup. Man does this save time and money. I know I know .. how long have you told me to?

Larry looking much better the last two days. Apprently the competition helps. We'll see which makes the cut, sfv vs larry. Whichever remains I'll go ahead and start scrogging in the cabinet. I bet I can do pretty well in that thing now that the AC keeps the room at 75. Should be no problem. We'll see. This run will be for judgement on the design, and if failure, it will be retired to vegging or similar for good, likely replacing the HID with a cheap-to-run T5 or something simple.
4 of 6 beans have sprouted. Took 36 hours. I put them into the hole in a mini-cube of rockwool (soaked in tap straight out tha hose, ph @ 7), placed cubes onto pie tin, and placed pie tin on the heat mat that i use for the clone dome. Placed the dome over the tin, vents open halfway. No light.

The crafty little fucking thrips! They are alive and well .. taking shelter from the CO2 in the air bubble in the res!! sonsabitches .. Checked water level and found a bunch of them crawling around inside the tube. Still don't see any up top, so probably okay. Will come up with a clever way to ruin their day once the chop has begun.

Today marks day 64. Some pics follow. Lousy quality again sorry. A real camera someday and I swear I will master the art of really fucking cool close up pot shots.
Well, fail again. That gorgeous blue dream is all molded. All the best tops are lost. I'm throwing away ounce after ounce.


Easily a pound on the one plant alone. All ruined.
what about baking soda?
the h2o2 bath actually fucking worked, really surprised. it turned about a qp of kick ass super A++ into about 2 ounces of B-, but still pretty damn useful. it's completely safe to smoke, but I'll hash it anyway.
would have been a cola the size of a football, dammit.

more details what i have time. looks like yield will be 8 - 10oz from the blue dream plant alone and 4oz from the SFV plants if I'm lucky. they hardly produced at all, and I know why.

still analyzing and working on things, but suffice to say the experiment with the new deep reservoirs was a success. more roots absolutely means more fruits.
will say this on the h2o2 bath too .. these buds were nasty moldy fuzz to the core, down in the depths. no way did i think this would work, but it does. it knocked every last bit of that stuff outta there, at the price of losing quality.
I used about half a bottle of peroxide in about 4 gallons of water in a 5gal bucket.
what a weird feeling, playing washing machine with a couple ounces of super chronic.
I know it feels totally weird, but it works. It does knock a lot of crystals off, if it didn't make a scummy layer of mildew on top I would make hash out of it. Even though that mildew is dead, it's still kind of gross to make a concentrate out of it. That is a lot of peroxide, like a whole lot, but I guess that is what it takes to get it out of those really dense ones. Did you see that Jorge Cervantes video and how he did it?

And you can mix baking soda with water and make a killer pm spray. Products like Green Cure sell for 15 dollars are more for an 8oz tub, and it is just sodium bicarbonate and a detergent. So, baking soda and a drop of dish soap will do wonders. But be very careful mixing baking soda, I have heard nightmare stories of whole crops dying and frying from baking soda, make sure you research application rates, and make sure you use whatever brand that person recommends. I just used Green Cure because I like that it was easy and my inner lazy man was screaming, kind of feel dumb now, but I do like how easy it is, I really do, lol.