the slowest drying method


Hi RIU fellows,

I'll be out of town for about 15days after harvesting and I need to slow down the drying process as much as possible. The temperature in my place is about 80F and humidity in 40-50% range.

I'm looking for recommendations / similar experiences.

Thank you.
Don't chop. Water them before you leave and then just let them naturally die and dry in the pots.

If you must chop then I'd put them in the freezer and dry them when you return.

Best of luck.


y wud u do that just setup an irragation system if uni how to do it one waste one nutes simple


Don't chop. Water them before you leave and then just let them naturally die and dry in the pots.

If you must chop then I'd put them in the freezer and dry them when you return.

Best of luck.
Thanks for the advice Sam.

They will absorb all the water I can give them by the next day. Shell I just leave them without water and light for 2 weeks?

The freezer thing sounds interesting. Has anyone seen it working or tried it out?


Don't leave your babies without adult supervision. Too many things can go wrong specially if it's an indoor grow and specially with the lights off. You can get molds, spider mites, etc. And when you get back, you'll end up with nothing.

Chop now if it's ripe for harvest and put it in the freezer. When you get back, you can continue your drying.

Better sure than sorry.


Active Member
also, if u put in freezer, you butter chop the buds off main stem, then put in GLASS jar, not anything plastic because when the bud is frozen the THC is very brittle, if u irritate the bud the thc would fall off (hash making)

soooo, chop, put in glass jars, put in freezer and when u get home dont touch the buds till they reach ROOM TEMP, and open the jars for a few hours to let out moisture
For the record, I've never done the freezer thing but it seems like a reasonable process. And bLunteDDDD makes good points.

Update us when you decide on your process and how it turns out.


so with the freezing thing /plants cell are filled with water /you might cause the cell walls to burst and end up with a sogging mess like when you put lettce in the freezer it just wilts i would not recomed doing this ...on the other hand i leave mine for 14 days to dry on the line if your leaving for 15 you should be fine just hanging them
so with the freezing thing /plants cell are filled with water /you might cause the cell walls to burst and end up with a sogging mess like when you put lettce in the freezer it just wilts i would not recomed doing this ...on the other hand i leave mine for 14 days to dry on the line if your leaving for 15 you should be fine just hanging them
I wondered about that, too. Maybe sealed jars in the fridge instead of the freezer? Toss some dry rice in the bottom to absorb excess moisture?

If just hanging them for 2 weeks I wouldn't trim anything at all. Just chop at the base and hang the whole plant, leaves and all. I'd assume that'd help slow things down a bit. If I trimmed my buds and left them for 2 weeks they'd be way too crispy for me. Depends on your conditions and preferences, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
you can't leave the lights on for 15 days unsupervised. that's a little irresponsible. i's set a timer to go 14/10 for three days then stay off after that. water heavily before you leave and put a fan in the room on slow. when you come back the plants will be dry and ready to trim.


Active Member
so with the freezing thing /plants cell are filled with water /you might cause the cell walls to burst and end up with a sogging mess like when you put lettce in the freezer it just wilts i would not recomed doing this ...on the other hand i leave mine for 14 days to dry on the line if your leaving for 15 you should be fine just hanging them
you might be right about the cell wall thing idk... but i one thing i do know is ive put weed in the freezer and ground it up to make hash, and there was no soggy effect. idk tho you could still be right.. as far as leaving buds on the line for 14 days to dry i wouldn't recommend, you want to start putting the buds into jars when the stem is still bendable and wont break (read one of the stickys) and when the outside is dry but not the inside (kind of like a mooshyy texture)

but as far as being really worried about this cell wall thing, i dont really see anything wrong with putting it in the fridge. i just deff WOULDNT hang them buds up to dry for 15 days cuz then u cant really get well cured bud... just my 2cent