The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought


Well-Known Member
this is the plan.......

i just gone done smoking:joint: a cripple stick, and then it popped in my head. i relized that this is the first winter ive grown indoors and my girls will be done in january. i grow outdoors every summer but i just never get the weight i want, so what im going to do is starting in january im gonna start 6-10 plants(clones are readily available), and im gonna veg right through march and into april, then there goin outside for the rest of the year, im planning on them being 3-4 feet tall before i even plant them in my patches. should definetely work out good. and everyone on here will kno how it works out.



Well-Known Member
sounds sweet. i am going to do the exact same thing so i can plant some decent sized plants outside in the spring. im going to use an automatic flowering breed like auto white russian so i get yields quick and often with little effort since they are outdoors. otherwise you have to wait till the fall to harvest. if you veg for a month and then put them outside you can just get the next months clones going while the outside ones are maturing. this way you can get a harvest every month yet only having one months worth in your house at any given time. so if you can veg like 30 plants you can yield 30 bigger outdoor plants every month without any extra indoor space. sorry for the rambling but its a great idea, just make sure you get a good strain for your harvesting desires.


Well-Known Member
yea no doubt, im gonna harvest in october.. just one harvest will produce a huge yeild.ive grown white widow out side before from a clone and from april to around august they usually get around 8 to 10 feet tall and very thick, i now have a clone machine and a sugar blossom strand that is an offspring of white widdow, so results should be sick.


Active Member
not sure but im thinking of picking up some auto flower seeds.starting them inside as seedling and move them outdoors in april until late august..they fly over where i live with helicopters in the fall :(


Well-Known Member
man it seems so long until my outdoor crop. it aint even x-mas and we've had 3 snow storms. have about 15" on the ground right now. cant wait for spring


Sector 5 Moderator
Sounds like a plan man. I was actually going to do the same here. FDD2BLK does the same but he brings his in during the following winter, takes them back out in the spring and lets them veg for 2-3 years. That's how he's growing friggin' 30' monster weed. ...just teasing. It is a good plan tho.


Well-Known Member
thats how he does it? wow ive seen his sick ass plants, huge man. so for real 2-3 years. i figure a lil shy of a year from january to october, 10 months should be pretty damn nice..peace


Well-Known Member
That is generally what we do up here in Northern Maine, otherwise there really isnt much of a yeild on a lot of outdoor stuff because our spring/summer is so screwy.


Well-Known Member
yea man im your neighbor then, i kno what you mean. im in the granite state. gotta love the snow huh.:spew:


Well-Known Member
im just kiddin, ive got a milf of my own with 2 kids. ide get in some trouble. but trouble aint always bad.
back to the buds, gotta go smoke a cripple stick:joint:


Well-Known Member
so has anybody done this before? if so what was some yields? thanks rollituppers :joint:
I know someone who does this. The yeild is not very good, because he keeps his in a forest to conseal the bud. So it never gets full light. The more in the open, the more the danger.

I think if you consealed it along a hay field it might work out pretty well.


Well-Known Member
yea 2 daughters here and 3 girls in the closet:mrgreen:. im only 25 so i got young kids, 3 years and 1 1/2. gotta love it


Well-Known Member
I know someone who does this. The yeild is not very good, because he keeps his in a forest to conseal the bud. So it never gets full light. The more in the open, the more the danger.

I think if you consealed it along a hay field it might work out pretty well.

yea, i have a few patches of land i own and i have always got good yeild from my spots but this is my first year growin indoors so that why i came up with the plan. its gonna be sick and ill be making a new grow journal for that. about a 10 month long grow journal. crazy shit man


Well-Known Member
LMK the day you start them, and the day you put them in the ground I will start some at the same time, we will see what we can do about making a "How-to" for the north east states.

Oh about this snow, eh its cold, its snowy, my indoor bud is warm and crystally, mmm...