The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought


Well-Known Member
lmk? whats that.... and yea dude my buds are warm and doin good too, they'll be done in january. then im startin up the plan.. but yea man we'll do that for the nor' eastahhs up here.


Well-Known Member
LMK=Let Me Know but yeah I will prob stat with clones as I do not want to get stuck with a wretched 10 month old male. What strain are you planning on?


Well-Known Member
yea i have sugar blossom and cinderella 99 and they'll all be clones. all i gotta do is finish this grow and my buddy will have clones waitin for me. gonna be sick, what you gonna use for strains?


Sector 5 Moderator
Just my opinion but to me the best way to do this is not to get greedy; don't go planting 30 plants in one area, just a few here and there. I've been thinking about this for my upcoming spring grow and my thinking on this is to keep track of the path of the sun where you intend to grow and take a compass reading. Find you a place that the sun comes through the tree canopy along that path then plant your babies. If you find a really good spot where it gets a lot of sun directly overhead but has lots of tree cover off the side you could plant a bunch of them and probably not have to worry. Even with the infrared stuff the cops would have a hard time finding it. They would have to fly directly above it to see it and that's the blind spot for choppers.


Well-Known Member
Well those are obviously the steps you take when growing in the wilderness...

Oh and where I am from a GPS is essential.

I havent decided what strains I will use yet, I have a few different mothers to choose from, 2 business partners of mine and myself have been getting ready for this grow for some time, when we decide which strains will make it to the woods I will let you know.


Sector 5 Moderator
I haven't seen any other info describing the idea I shared. Maybe it is obvious but there sure are a lot of people that don't use that method.


Well-Known Member
yea im only planning on 8-10 plants, i already have proven patches that ive always had good yeilds from. but this time ill have an extra 3 to 4 months of grow.


Well-Known Member
so i was watchin 60 mins the other night and they were talkin about weed, they basically said people start there plants in january indoors and put them outdoor in april and people get a pound per plant... thats all i needs to hear


Well-Known Member
yeah man if u start ur plants off ahead of time u get MASSIVE yeilds with the right strain and conditions.