The solutions

jessica d

Well-Known Member
i invite anyones suggestons. Legalize would b the prefered. If not that It should be simple for hc charge a license fee like the dr are doing. A million ppl will buy a $300 license every yr so $300 million in HC pocket. They will make the lions share instead of cartels and allow medical users to produce there own high quality meds.

Make synthetic pesticide and fertilizer use banned cuz they have no place in a medical grow. This will help nature instead of 1000's of mexican cash croppers ripping farmers crops out and dosing mj plants with heavy fert/pesticide. We pay the health bills after all the chemicals r smoked, run into drinking water. we pay for the choppers to try and find it in corn "almost imposible". Our border is to large to protect just so much area. The mexicans grow it for $1-2per gram and hc wants to charge $8.80. The cartels love canada huge great growing land with no border protection. They will control this system. You have to make the $300 million a yr or chaos.
all licenses cost $$ and it baffles me why HC wouldn't charge for a growing permit. u got the choice 8.80g or pay $300yr. It will give them the funding to regulate it. personal growers will buy it by the million. it will keep medical users away from chindro/mexbrick cuz that stuff is hard on health care, fluid in lungs, paranoia.etc. it will help nature the most by not using heavy pesticide/fertilizers. please help us keep the cartels out of canadaa and the only way to do it is lower the price, up quality. help all the sick and dying if it was your kid/mom/dad with cancer you would have sympathy. merry xmas
i have seen a dr feed his own 6yr old kid mj to allow him to eat from cancer treatment. When u watch a family member severely sick you will realise mj is a natural green matter plant for sickness. It allows you to eat and sleep and those are the side effects..never killed anybody in history impossible. alchohol ciggs pills kill children.
I dont doubt that Cartel's and others organized gangs are out there growing in mass amounts but its not like it used to be. With the internet and the mass amount of knowledge and experience that comes with it, it only takes a hour to read up on all the items you need with another few hours to understand the basics. While your costs lower and yeilds are huge outdoors the quality is usually far lower especially when its grown illegally and you cant grow it in a greenhouse. I would place my money on the majority of weed these days being grown indoors by small organized "crime", there is plenty of warehouses out there im sure too that are growing for the cartels but i think the bulk of it is coming from houses grown by one or two people. The cartels have their hands full with H, coke, meth super labs and everything else, i still dont see why they even ship weed when they could ship the same amount of anything else.

If/when weed becomes legal in Canada i can see them treating it like tobacco/alcohol. Where you need a special license that costs hundreds of thousands and requires you to meet a couple hundred regulations. With personal production being treated like those who brew their own beer/wine but large amounts being treated like you're making hard liquor with intent to sell it(why does someone need to grow 10lbs for their own use?). Somewhere along the line a medical patient making oil and smoking who needs 2lbs+ a month would get caught growing to much and laws would change to allow medical patients to grow more than someone who isnt.
The cartels move 1000's of tons my friend grown outdoors and smuggled to USA from mex/can. trust me dump truck loads just like chinese but larger and they do it all. You can only sell so much meth/coke/heroin and these guys are richer then governments. time will tell it never lies but Health canada should take a look at USA border and what they are confinscating. they miss most of it according to them. there crown lands are taking a beating. The USA is getting slaughtered and there security and laws far exceeds ours... mafia loves canada.

The mex can sell it for $ 600lb. a chinese number never goes that low. that is who rules the roost atm for organized groups in canada with angels close by. Health canada is gona support them all big time with the new reg.
it baffles me buckets. 1-5 per g depending on organization or quality on street. if the gov thinks they are going to go from $5-9 and sell anything they are insane. how does that help the medical user or tax payers. the new system feeds organized crime
I'm all for the government charging a fee instead of us having to pay a DR for a signature. But to fix the current system they need to do more inspections. That is the only way they can cut down on people misusing the ridiculous 50gram a day or more scrips. They will be able to see the people that are actually making oils or lotions and not just selling for profit.
You have a good idea with the 300 million. There's also renewal fees to think about. Maybe a yearly inspection fee by an electrical inspector as well? Sorry for the late reply as I am not always near a computer. I would encourage you and anyone else including me, to take this a step further and create their own federal party. The liberals aren't doing well at all. I've been politically aware since 1991 when the Liberals got kicked out of power for so much lying and deceit. The people that run the party are still the same people, which is why I say it's time for a new party. I need a year to work out stuff and then I'm going to do something.

And Dime bag dave, I've mentioned before on another thread about a lady who was prescribed morphine for 18 years and she switched over to cannabis. Her prescription is 100 grams a day if you can believe that. She was on the CTV national news. so 40 -60 grams is still not the craziest amounts.

We're really decent people...every day that goes by I wonder when new faces are going to stand up and run for government but as somebody else said in another thread, the party can't be a one issue party. Anyways, keep up the thinking of how to make the service better. That's where we all need to start.
personally, i dont believe 300million would be enough. They would need to employ a couple thousand people, a federal job of this calibre would pay 80k+ a year, with benefits, sick time,vacation time, bonuses, milege, equipment, vehicles, new building or addition, cell phones + plans, insurances, supplies, pay for police intervention, computers... the list could go on forever, let me put this in prespective, i work for the city, for me to install a exit sign (3 wires and 2 screws) it costs the city about 3300$ by the time it gets installed, from the person to looking in the parts catalog, ordering it by phone, confirming the order, emailing payroll to pay for it, paying for delivery, unloading at recieving and getting to me, 3300 is t actually that much, all and all this government shits on 300million and couldnt do a damn thing with it. ps. recently 500million aid pac to israel!
You have a good idea with the 300 million. There's also renewal fees to think about. Maybe a yearly inspection fee by an electrical inspector as well? Sorry for the late reply as I am not always near a computer. I would encourage you and anyone else including me, to take this a step further and create their own federal party. The liberals aren't doing well at all. I've been politically aware since 1991 when the Liberals got kicked out of power for so much lying and deceit. The people that run the party are still the same people, which is why I say it's time for a new party. I need a year to work out stuff and then I'm going to do something.

And Dime bag dave, I've mentioned before on another thread about a lady who was prescribed morphine for 18 years and she switched over to cannabis. Her prescription is 100 grams a day if you can believe that. She was on the CTV national news. so 40 -60 grams is still not the craziest amounts.

We're really decent people...every day that goes by I wonder when new faces are going to stand up and run for government but as somebody else said in another thread, the party can't be a one issue party. Anyways, keep up the thinking of how to make the service better. That's where we all need to start.

Buckets, I know there are people that aren't abusing the system, but you and I both know that there are huge amounts of people that are.
obviously the more ppl the more funds they would receive. the more they would also spend to regulate it. they can charge $700 for a license and make 700 million. 20g a day is 180 per day or 64K a yr for my meds. so realistically i would pay 10k for my license and save 54k a yr. a disabled medical user makes around 10K a yr. how is depriving them gona help?
The mmar community in bc here is whats fucking the program up.

We've got hells angels left right and center operating these 100-200 light shows. And if they aren't gang affiliated, they are still the same guys that have been supplying canada with mass amounts of illegal pot for the last 30 years.

The way the program is set up is just a massively successful front for organized crime. Its a shame really, each of these guys owns 2-15 100-200 light shows, each pulling in over $1million in untaxed profit annually.
i agree but the HA sure doesnt have the chinese or mexican work ethic and they are alot easier to find, rallys, they wear colours. the only way to stop organized crime is keep value low and have ppl produce there own. the chinese are crazy in my area dump truck loads and so is HA but come summer mexicans are showing up in larger numbers every yr. if the price sky rockets to $9g for med users black market will explode.
i agree but the HA sure doesnt have the chinese or mexican work ethic and they are alot easier to find, rallys, they wear colours. the only way to stop organized crime is keep value low and have ppl produce there own. the chinese are crazy in my area dump truck loads and so is HA but come summer mexicans are showing up in larger numbers every yr. if the price sky rockets to $9g for med users black market will explode.

Who do you think the HA uses for labour? Patched gang members don't do the work. They supply the money/equipment to set up the operations and then pay, in product that needs to be sold, whoever they can find to operate them. Usually, they're dimwits with little alternative in life, but at least they're passionate about what they do...

You're right about the black market exploding because of increased price... and what needs to be done to avoid that. What people up here in Cananda need to do is stop hiding behind the bullshit "medical" pretence and do what Colorado did, which force the recreational issue end of this as well. A scenario that runs like homebrewed wine/beer would work best... it'd drop prices drastically and force the criminal element out entirely. That would save the government a shitload of tax dollars used to fight this type of "crime" AND generate tax revenue in amounts that would blow away whatever revenue that can be had from medical users only.
i dont know who is leading production numbers but the chinese cut the president of HA head off and delivered it to the clubhouse. there ruthless, very hard to find change names often and such, look alike but in the end none are good for the program. lowering the price and having med users produce there own is the answer to me and most others but all solutions are welcome.
What? The chineese cut off the HA pesident's head off? When was this? Pesident of which chapter? Not that it matters because the moment one is killed another steps in.