the sun is going behind the trees...crap


Active Member
So this is my first grow and I picked a spot in the woods out in a small clearing. but when I picked the spot I was looking for a spot that that got good light. So now that it is getting later in the summer and the sun is getting lower in the they wont be getting that much light pretty soon..*tear*

so my question is what is this going to go to my plant....


Well-Known Member
no big problem, i have the same thing in my outdoor grows every year, it actually makes your plant flower before the natural light hours drop below 14-13h per day, which is actually great since temp are still up then.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i've found the same too be true. I've got tall trees and bush to the west of my outdoor ladies. I think the early darkness kicked em into flower sooner than others. I'm not complaining. I'm up in canada so it will only help to get'er done.