The Texas Heat


New Member
One day of Texas heat without H2O can do some serious damage.
You can say that again! I left my plants for a couple of days and the breaker got switched at some point. of course my Little window unit ac has an electronic switch (not mechanical) and nobody was there to start it up again. One of my mothers took a big hit :cry: she's alive but not well. think it's time for one her children to take her place.


You can say that again! I left my plants for a couple of days and the breaker got switched at some point. of course my Little window unit ac has an electronic switch (not mechanical) and nobody was there to start it up again. :cry: she's alive but not well. think it's time for one her children to take her place.
Hey guys thanks for all the suggestions, I'm just going to start them inside for a week or two, then transplant them into big pots and I'll have to experiment with watering, when to water, how much, ect, but I will keep my baby's ALIVE!!!! I'll fight the heat, ;). My girls are tough I know they can too.


I'm in Texas on the coast and it's been really hot. I only have one beauty going at this time. What I'm doing is working with the movement of the sun. I start getting morning sun about 9:30 AM and in the shade by 3:30PM. Almost have to water/feed daily. Good Growing.


Active Member
i live in north east texas and i am into my 2nd week of flowering. Started in early may and has done very well. I sprayed her once whenver i watered and used no nutes. I had no problems from the heat and she got ten hours direct sunlight a day. your plants won't yield very much but its still worth a shot.