The TGA Growers Club

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok tga massive! so most of us here have tried a few of the tga strains with some exceptional results,

so whats your top tga strain???

I have to say Dairy Queen, one of the pheno's is so fruity and strong its killer.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive yet to plant my dqs lol , I knmow i like the smoke lol maybe ill give a couplke a go soon

mr west

Well-Known Member
well wen i grew a deep purple and a querkle at the same time and they wer both difrent inbud structure, the querkle was driping in thc, kiff catchers delight lol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I got to say guys, my other jars get empty before my TGA strains. My fav of subs stuff I guess would be a JC dom Qleaner pheno. Most everything is bred with Spacequeen so I'm thinking thats the taste and smell that comes through with a lot of his stuff. And I don't particularly care for it. Potency is good but not could be a little better. Oh ya, it's not uncommon for his stuff to through out nanners...happens way to much, yet a non tga strain in the same room will not. I've collected some of the better phenos and going to have one or two big runs then move on



Active Member
I was lucky enough to pick up a 10 pack of chernobyl seeds and am looking for the best pheno to take to my medical disp. From what I can tell so far Is that the taller pheno is apperantly the colorful frosty one you see in hightimes ? Just doing my homework before I get started so any help is awsome. :-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
pretty much sums up my experience of tga too highlander man. sub has some really great bag appeal high retail stuff but the yeild on those strains leaves a lot to be desired.

naners suck ass


Active Member
How's the yeild with chernobyl with optimal setup? Hydro,c02,advance nutrent line and 2000 watt super eye hortulux's for flower as well as 1000 watt super blue mh for veg!!! What do you think can be done?


Well-Known Member
ok tga massive! so most of us here have tried a few of the tga strains with some exceptional results,

so whats your top tga strain???

I have to say Dairy Queen, one of the pheno's is so fruity and strong its killer.
It's good to hear that Dairy Queen can be the shit. I got 5 going hopefully I get a female from the five. Big fat leaves so far.

I would really enjoy a fruity plant. Was it a real stinker. I grew Serious White Russian and that was a stinker.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey dragonbud,

there are a few pheno's but you will know the keeper instantly its smells like fruity fuel and the high is pretty strong. i gave a few bags to mates and one came back to me saying he finished the Oz in a matter of days, chasing the high like it was crack ahaha

the cheese in it gives it the stink for sure

mine looked like this


Well-Known Member
dragon, what did u think of serious white russian?? did u grow reg or fem?? lemme kno if u dont mind


and don, how are things are your end?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup hooked! things are doing good man im shut down at the moment to move house which is killing me i miss having something in flower so badly haha got a couple vegging for outdoors to go out in a week but thats about it. i made some hash yesterday tho ;) just under 11 grams
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whats shaking your end???


Well-Known Member
looks yummy, i havent smoked hash in a long while!

yea i miss having things in flower as well, so i always run over to buddies to get my fix :P

wish i could get something goin for this summer but no wheels

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man i hear that! tho i dont have any mates that grow one did and got caught the other screwed me for a lousy quarter and i havent spoke to him since lol i bumped into him a while back and he was asking me if i had cuttings as hed spent the last 7 weeks vegging 3 males and 1 girl...

man i have no wheels too its a pain in the as to do outdoor without. took a train 20 odd miles then walked for an hour n a half to find a spot.

cant wait to let rip with the hash, im even going to clean my bong first!!!! :shock:


Well-Known Member
yea my buddy fucked me outta 2g's and we didnt talk for the longest while lol, funny how shit works

still wish i had something goin, and yea OD is gay without wheels, need atleast a wheeler or even dirt bike lol


Well-Known Member
Hey hooked on Chronic-The White Russian was non feminized. Very good looking buds, they looked like malted milk shake with little orange and yellow swirls. Most powerfull weed I've had the pleasure of smoking. Very knock you on your ass type of weed. Indica couch lock stuff. Wish I had cloned her.

Don-very good description on the DQ-I'm very excited. good luck all.