The things you do for weed


Well-Known Member
Its like I am hooked on crack.. I have done some real bad things I feel guilty for just to get herb. It wasn't so bad when I worked full time but when your unemployed and dont have the luxury to grow your own and a avid smoker. being broke is horrible.. being sober is horrible. dam life sure has its lows.. now I feel more guilty that im high.. what an evil cycle.


I feel you bro.... It's not just the weed though, that's just what you're putting first b/c your other needs are met I assume. i've been unemployed for a good bit now, and still smoke and have 2kids.... I do some dumb shit to get by too, though nothing illegal.... As long as you're not fucking people over and making enemies, and you can still respect yourself, dont worry about it... do what you gotta do.


Well-Known Member
I dont need a record. I like to think before I act.. You will only make things worse. thanks for your kind words.


I dont need a record. I like to think before I act.. You will only make things worse. thanks for your kind words.

dont know what you mean there, but I've recently got ridden of my record, hence the "nothing illegal" in my post ;)