First off I am going to respond to you on the basis of teacher/student. In order to clearly comprehend this beautiful universe/universes we must never put ourselves in a position of higher or lower excistance.
For even a blade of grass is willing to teach us something and likewise we have a lesson for the blade of grass too.
To truly understand our excistance we must step back and strip ourselves of our thoughts and egos, not our personal belongings. The materials of this world, whatever shape man makes them into mean nothing at all, they are just a tool. Brazko's quote said it very eloquently, basically "to be a real mountain" you must be able to reach your higher self in all circumstances, happy and sad, pain and pleasure, rich or poor, etc...
There are some that have been down your avenue ahead of you, as you most assuradly have been down alleyways first before others. Always look for the entity that may have possibly passed this way first, gleam the knowledge from them, otherwise your journey will be long and difficult if you try to find your own way.
I stand at the avenue you are looking to venture into, not as a teacher but as a fellow traveller. I will tell you what you want to do is not nessecary to bring further enlightenment.
But if you continue onward, it maybe that you are required to take this step to advance further. I tell you that there is no right or wrong path there.
In this life of mine, many have said why have you done this, my reply because it was required of me to get to this point in time.
So the correctness of a situation is questionable, for all actions lead to learning.
Now onto our place in the scheme of everything, for this one will and should smash your ego to bits, it does for me.
When I meditate, I begin by pulling back from the earth and continuing to travel out into space.
Once I begin to travel beyond our galaxy I already have thouroughly destroyed any of mans great thoughts of greatness.
By the time I begin to loose sight of our galaxy, I have brought myself to a place where I become one with the energies of vastness.
At this point I have sluffed my ego and I find this a time of learning.
We are energies, spirit filled energies, but everytime I sense a greater spirit giving presence, there is a power beyond our comprehension.
Our spot on this speck of sand embodied in a large galaxy, embodied in a cluster, super cluster, mega cluster, hung on a thread, in a vast universe/universes.
We are but nothing and at the same time everything. There is order in chaos.
Rejoice in a power that is driving this.
That is total immersion for myself, which leaves me so estatic because it is controlled, for if it was not it would not be here.
Sorry got drug off there for abit.
Zahet, you have been given a gift few ever recieve, the gift of searching, use every tool possibly to fufill your destiny.
Giving up your tools will not get you further, it will only hamper you, I know I have gone this way.
There are powers that do not want you to learn, be careful of these for they are powerfull.
Enjoy life, but always remember you prime directive to comprehend the awesomeness of this gift of life.
Peace to you my fellow traveller.