and while you all constantly stay in the political distraction, here's the truth
More and more the disgusting swine wallow of DC proves to be a whorehouse serving the dregs of a 2nd species destroyer class, with useless show girl parasite political actors out in front of the brothel pretending to be worth more than two cents, while the real action goes on in back.
The entirety of the DC apparatus is nothing short of a giant extortion scheme boondoggle that rapes the American people only to benefit the 2nd species controlled predatory deep state Military/Intelligence networks, whose 'destruction-for-profit' agenda is always the order of the day.
If the useless political actors never existed, it would not make one iota difference as to the agenda of, or to disgusting predatory practices and daily activities of the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, or M.I.C. 2nd species destroyer class pigs.
CIA’s “Operation Gladio” with Paul Williams