The Topping Technique on "Cheese" strains?


I was recently told by a grower, most "cheese/ukcheese/exodus cheese" strains shoulnt be topped because is SO easy to herm and they cant take it?

I was thinking about grabing some "big buddah cheese" and "exodus cheese" seeds to try it out?

Or does any one have any experience with the strain to let me know if that info is correct?


Well-Known Member
Instead of topping it why don't you just use twist ties and keep bending and tying the branches over until its a bush? boom no stress


Well-Known Member
And if their quality genetics then you shouldn't have to worry about hermi's... Just buy regular seeds and grow a few and find you a rock solid female


Well-Known Member
not sure about the original clone but the crosses like big buddahs n greenhouse dont mind it at all ! lst or top your choice .
dont know about the new ghs exodus cheese though !!! never grew it !!


Well-Known Member
i dont see the problem with fem seeds, ive nearly always used them and no probs at all ! some strains are known for it but i myself aint never had it happen. as long as genetics are good and you dont take the piss with the light regime alls good .imo


Active Member
maybe its different in the uk but i havent heard of cheese strains being more prone to hermie...i dont think thats what breeders wanna be associated with!
im all for topping, most strains can take it, only makes them stronger. if ya combine that with LSTing you can get better yields. i do this when i want thicker nugs.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Exodus cheese is one of the more stable strains there are, hence the reason noones been able to hermie it to produce seeds. It also loves being topped, i've found a well trained cheese will far outyield a regular grown one. Sounds like this grower you met doesn't know his head from his arse.