The travels of ODanksta.

Safe moves !!

Need a roommate? I'm so fed up with my home state of Mn I'd love to move, but then again my bull shit court and probation probably wouldn't allow it..
Someday I'll be able to grow a couple plants without being treated as if I'm cooking meth..
Good luck!
Dude! I already got first dibs bro! Not cool breaking in line.

@ODanksta looks like the weather fine up there homie. Safe travels and gut punch @ttystikk for me. Thanks a million my brutha!
Damn you can fit a lot of fertilizer and charges in that Penske. Make sure you park by the uprights in the garage before you detonate, that way you can be sure to bring down the whole building. Don't plan it all and fuck up the money shot.
Its a sweet journey your on man. Beautiful. Try to go by Vails pass in the winter. Been a while. But it's a beautiful thing. Share pics too! Peace and love.

I know places that make Vail valley look second rate. Even better, they're never crowded!

I'll have to wait a few weeks for him to acclimate to altitude, otherwise he'd be puking twenty minutes into the hike.
Damn you can fit a lot of fertilizer and charges in that Penske. Make sure you park by the uprights in the garage before you detonate, that way you can be sure to bring down the whole building. Don't plan it all and fuck up the money shot.
The truck has a label that says no fertilizers and no explosives. When my brother was renting it said he needed a truck that could haul explosives.. They looked at each other for a minute.. Then said he was jk.. Pretty awkward moment for a minute.
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Mountain hiking Lol - wanna go hunting with me?

Though tbh the altitude would probably get me as well.

Odank - get your ass moving & post pic's of your travels - we shall all relocate vicariously with you.

Fuck yeah I'll go hunting with you! Anyone but Darth Cheney...

My preferred hunting scenarios and destinations all revolve around my flyrod. Fair warning.