The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

Yeah you keep insisting that I'm doing this, but like I said, "survival of the fittest" is not natural law and it is not a fitting description of natural selection. It was not coined by Darwin, but by right wing British economist Herbert Spencer. This view on human nature, which you keep insisting is based on science is based on the view that "survival of the fittest" is a natural law. It is called Social Darwinism, although it does not reflect the views of Darwin.

I had to repeat this argument, because you keep insisting that you have been scientific. Actually my critique of your view all along has been that your take on human nature is all fucked up, so this last post is basically "I know you are but what am I" and you already retreated with all that "Take care bro".

So you're saying even though it is accurate it should be noted that Darwin didn't say this first? BFD.
Got sucked back in by that last one. I am not referring to social Darwinism, I'm referring to natural selection. I'm not talking about survival of the fittest, I"m talking about how hierarchies come to exist in nature. I'm referring to how social animals interact with each other in their natural state.

When you see a flock of geese fly over in that beautiful V formation ask yourself how the lead geese got there. You think they take turns or maybe have a lottery? How do packs, dens, herds, hordes etc end up with alphas if they don't exist in nature? I can admit Tiger Woods is just plain better than me at golf no matter what I do. I accept that there are differing genetics within the same breed. I'm at a loss why you think this is unnatural and claim scientific critical thinking.

So you're saying that "Maslow's hierarchies" may have some role here too.
So you're saying that "Maslow's hierarchies" may have some role here too.

Well yes, in a sense but his papers were somewhat simplistic in a broad sense. While each of us may fit this model, we do it on a sliding scale. Needs are not the same for everyone. Other than the basic survival needs, individually the rest can be all over the map. Maslow practice during a time when pyramid charts explained the world so I can forgive him for those awful things. But I agree with his principle of needs on a very basic level and on the surface.