The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters currently indicate that Obama's top two contenders are Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. The margin of sampling error for the surveys is +/- 3% with a 95% level of confidence. The following surveys were taken between June 24 thru July 17, 2011. Here are the results - note that the candidates are ranked by those who pose the strongest challenge to Obama. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are currently the top two challengers.
Romney 43% - Obama 42% = 1 point lead for Romney
Obama 41% - Paul 37% = 4 point lead for Obama
Obama 44% - Guliani 39% = 5 point lead for Obama
Obama 44% - Perry 39% = 6 point lead for Obama
Obama 46% - Bachmann 39% = 7 point lead for Obama
Obama 44% - Christie 37% = 7 point lead for Obama
Obama 47% - Palin 38% = 9 point lead for Obama
Obama 44% - Pawlenty 32% = 12 point lead for Obama
Obama 45% - Santorum 31% = 14 point lead for Obama
Obama 44% - Huntsman 28% = 16 point lead for Obama
Obama 48% - Gingrich 30% = 18 point lead for Obama
Obama 49% - Cain 28% = 21 point lead for Obama
The poll, dated July 22, 2011, states "Congressman Ron Paul may be a long shot to win the Republican presidential nomination, but he runs competitively with President Obama right now."
A previous Rasmussen poll, dated April 14, 2010, placed Paul within 1 point of Obama: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%
The fact that Ron Paul has proven himself as a top contender in two Rasmussen polls over a 15 month period is a clear indication that Paul is a top tier candidate for the GOP nomination in 2012. Please share!