I don't think you misunderstand what a super pac is. A 'pac' is a political action committee. They don't transfer money to the candidate, they merely work towards getting them elected. The 'super pac' is just a word they made up when they decided that restricting how much money private organizations can spend on promoting a candidate was a violation of free speech. This would be like me taking my personal money and running ads about Ron Paul. Obviously Ron Paul isn't telling me to run ads for him or what to run. It is already illegal for a foreign country to donate money to a political campaign - either directly or in the way that you mentioned. They call that fraud. There is nothing that kept them from doing that before now, and in fact Obama returned donations from other countries because of fraud.
Making it illegal for me, you, and other American citizens to throw our full support behind a cause, candidate, or idea is nothing short of an extreme limitation on our rights to free speech. Why not limit the amount of time you can donate to a cause? Isn't working for months on a campaign worth more than 2500? I spent more drinking in Europe on my vacation than I am allowed to give to Ron Paul. If I had 10,000 I wanted to give to Ron Paul, would you consider that to be wrong? You are talking about a guy I honestly believe would keep our country from collapsing completely in the coming years. That is worth a lot more than the 2,500 I am allowed to give to him to me. I worked for the money - why would I not be able to buy 5k pounds of bologna or give Ron Paul a 2 minute commercial during prime time?
I trust stupid people to vote about as much as I trust a corporation. We should probably limit voting to people who can read and write. If they can't do those two things, they probably aren't capable of understanding the very politics they are voting on. That would be illegal though, and for good reason.
Man do you mean "understand."..shit I'm high and that fucked me up not understanding WTF you meant..lol...stop fucking with my high!!!!...Now sorry, but I do UNDERSTAND whats a superpac..I watched Steven Colbert..lol..but he did show how it can be misused...if you can start a corporation and then donate unlimted money to a committe organized to support ONE certain candidate we can be in a world of trouble...Now you keep thinking anything diffrent and you about to get left behind... read this

A company called W Spann LLC, formed on March 15th, has dissolved shortly after making a $1 million contribution on April 28th to Restore Our Future, a committee organized in support of GOP presidential hopeful
Mitt Romney. According to corporate records
obtained by NBC News, the business was formed by Boston-based lawyer
Cameron Casey who, as she notes
in her online bio on her employer’s website, specializes in “comprehensive estate planning advice to high-net-worth individuals and families.”
The company was dissolved on July 12th, two weeks before Restore Our Future made its first campaign filing. A spokesperson for Ropes & Gray, the law firm for which Casey works, told NBC News that “the firm won’t be making any comment on this matter at this time.” Also noteworthy: Rope & Gray represents Bain Capital, an investment firm formerly headed by Romney.
Adding to the mystery is the fact that the company’s purported address in midtown Manhattan has no records of such a tenant.
A little more about
Restore Our Future: The “super PAC,” which maintains that it functions as a separate entity from Romney’s official campaign, was founded by three of Romney’s former political aides. A glance at the group’s website shows
no mention of Romney specifically and instead simply notes that “It is time that we restore our future by supporting candidates who have worked in the private sector and created jobs, who understand the economy, and who believe in America, American workers, and American values.” It also claims that it is “Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.”
Then again, as NBC points out,
Charles R. Spies, the group’s treasurer and Romney’s general counsel during his 2008 presidential bid,
made it clear to The Washington Post that the super PAC has a very clear, definite goal: