No the problem is they will not give him the nod no matter what, so why even play the games with them..??? Leave then campaign right and the media will be force to give you out a stadium and fill it...if he can fill a stadium then we talking...can he fill a stadium ????
Unfortunately I think you're right. A lot rest on this Ames Poll this Saturday and I think after the complete failure of a dignified debate which Fox hosted candidates like Bachmann, Pawlenty, and Santorum are done. I watched the little yes/no meter during the debate coverage online and during the post debate wrap up and the only candidates who were in the positive when the question was "Did "so and so" do good at the debate?" were Newt and Ron, both @ like 70%+ to 30% - .
I believe given his supporters Ron Paul could most likely fill a stadium. Problem is he's a little stubborn in that he represent the Republican party as it used to be and won't let that go. If Ron Paul placed in the top 3 at the Ames Poll (which I believe he will) if not 1st then he I don't think Fox or anyone else can deny that the people are liking these ideas of individual rights, etc ,etc.
The biggest problem is that if Ron Paul ran as an independent he will not garner any of the votes the republican nominee will get. Because let's face it, there are many people out there who are voting simply on party. And as it is a suprisingly large number of people still support Obama dearly. So as an independent there is no chance, Ron Paul has to get the Repuklican nomination. It's looking better but not promising.
The media keeps playing Paul down by saying his "paulbots" flood the polls and so they are invalid, which I know isn't completely far fetched but at the same time is it not true that many people who follow these thigns so closely online are likely to have done a lot more research of the potential versus someone whos only exposure to the political battlefield in GMA of a similar show? Assuming that is that said people have a solid job. Point being is that I think Ron Paul supporters are simply people who are more informed than the average American.
If only their was a fair way to expose each candidate from both sides equally and fairly to all people. It's hard for someone to support a candidate if they never get to hear or understand said candidates policies.