The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

lol. wow. I've seen a lot of conservative revisionist history but that takes the cake.

Are you really trying to sell the national socialist workers party in Germany as some Ayn Rand inspired libertarian paradise? Come on now. You can do better than that.

They went even further to the left than we did, and guess what, it worked.

1) I am not conservative. I am a classical liberal.
I am sorry that you cannot understand the difference. freedom isn't just something you apply when its convenient. You are either free or you are not. You can't apply it to certain parts of life that you feel comfortable with.

2) I was describing similarities between what our leadership's goals and visions are to what the goals and visions that became the horrors of Nazi Germany. It has nothing to do with Libertarian views, and I am not sure how you got that other than lacking the ability to understand what you are reading. It was a view on what big government could do for you.

3) Germany's real strength was the fact that America imported more from Germany than any other country in the world once they got their industries running again until like a year or two ago. A lot like America's real strength was that no one else in the world had a factory left standing after WW2, so they had to buy everything from us. To pretend socialist ideals made Germany or the USA strong countries is simply stupid.

4) What was revisionist about my history for you? Does revisionist just mean that you don't like it? It was simple facts that presented to draw parallels between our current policies and what our leaders want and how Germany got to be a country where personal freedoms didn't exist and the individual was worth nothing if they had no worth to the government. When you consider putting your hands in fire, don't you think about all the times you have burned yourself with fire before? I am unsure why you find it inappropriate to consider the consequences of our governments actions.
Ron Paul - Transforming the Republican Decepti-Cons


With the pseudo-conservatives deceiving everyone as being of the small government crowd, I thought we could tie them in nicely with the decepti-cons label.

Deceptive Conservatives = Decepti-cons

Have a line-up of all the different candidates and point out their flaws, negatives, and status quonessy in concise bullet point/small paragraph form. Pull from our opposing candidates subforum. Basically point out why someone would be making a mistake if they vote for these phonies.

In 3 weeks, a new Transformers movie comes out. I think we could have graphics and video with a similar theme done by that date for a site. Have the candidates faces look machine like? I dunno. Throw your ideas in.
Make a new fluoride thread please if your going to continue that discussion you just burnt 10 pages on fluoride *sigh*
the "it makes you passive" is laughable.

my grandma has been drinking fluoride was since its advent. she is nearly 82 and still spry as can be.

He is right that fluoride hasn't made a huge positive difference in the water supply. It can lead to bone hardening and other issues if the level is too high. Most people get plenty of fluoride in their tooth pastes, and the water tampering is unnecessary. I am not worried or excited about fluoride in my water. I am more concerned that the levels of 'crazy pill' chemicals increases yearly due to it being excreted by humans. I had well water for half of my life, city for the other half. I'll take good old chlorinated city water any day, but just because it tastes better. :)
if ron paul is elected, he will outlaw fluoride and save us from devolving into nazi germany.

he will also change your oil every 3,500 miles and rotate your tires every 5,000 miles.

Do you think he will help harvest when its time...He is for legal marijuana
He is right that fluoride hasn't made a huge positive difference in the water supply. It can lead to bone hardening and other issues if the level is too high. Most people get plenty of fluoride in their tooth pastes, and the water tampering is unnecessary. I am not worried or excited about fluoride in my water. I am more concerned that the levels of 'crazy pill' chemicals increases yearly due to it being excreted by humans. I had well water for half of my life, city for the other half. I'll take good old chlorinated city water any day, but just because it tastes better. :)

totally agree. other topical applications of fluoride have made it fairly unnecessary to have in the water, and it is not without its negative effects, like fluorosis.

but to say that it is part of some conspiracy that will make us passive and give us chemical lobotomies so we will transform into nazi germany.....that is tin foil hat country.

like i said before, our city does not have fluoridated water. my wife went for a dental checkup at her school, which also serves as a clinic for a lot of the low income folks in my town. when the dentist checked her out, one of the first things he commented was that she must not be from around here! i would say that is decent anecdotal evidence for the benefits of fluoridated water.
1) I am not conservative. I am a classical liberal.
I am sorry that you cannot understand the difference. freedom isn't just something you apply when its convenient. You are either free or you are not. You can't apply it to certain parts of life that you feel comfortable with.

For future reference, once someone starts giving me a lecture on freedom as if freedom is my enemy, I immediately stop reading the post.

Characterizing those who disagree with you has hating freedom is a bunch of crap.

I believe in freedom, but freedom has limits. You can pretend you otherwise, but it's bullshit. Do you think I should have the freedom to swing my fist into someone's face? Should I have the freedom to yell "fire!" in a crowded movie theater? Didn't think so. Freedom has limits. That limit is the point it harms others.
although this is sign not real... Ron Paul thinks that the owner would have every right to do this under his property rights.....WTF

McDonalds.jpgbut I do think he will go in and buy the food for you so you can avoid the charge...
I believe in freedom, but freedom has limits. You can pretend you otherwise, but it's bullshit. Do you think I should have the freedom to swing my fist into someone's face? Should I have the freedom to yell "fire!" in a crowded movie theater? Didn't think so. Freedom has limits. That limit is the point it harms others.
why is it someone always has to push the concept of freedom beyond reasonable bounds? of course no one has the right to harm others. that has never been the question. the question is how you define "harm".
why is it someone always has to push the concept of freedom beyond reasonable bounds? of course no one has the right to harm others. that has never been the question. the question is how you define "harm".

That is most definitely in question. The "freedoms" Ron Paul supporters advocate are much more harmful to working class Americans than punching them in the face. Free market trading, eliminating worker protections, and further financial deregulation would do significant harm to the American people all in the name of freedom for the ultra-wealthy. I'd rather get punched in the face every day than work in a sweatshop for $1 a day.
@DAN Keep on preachin your hatred of freedom and free men, I love my fellow man and trust him/her - freedom for all the people

Crime will still be illegal - regulations create corporate crooks and monopolies - with Ron pauls philosophy all the people will prosper
I hope so man, I dont pay for TV either - I have netflix and the internet, it would have to be on

I will link it if I get one u check stickcam ill look elsewhere
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