The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


New Member
Actually Id say Ron is the only one who hasn't made a fool of himself at least once yet, he should of said a lot that he didn't say.


Well-Known Member
totally agree. other topical applications of fluoride have made it fairly unnecessary to have in the water, and it is not without its negative effects, like fluorosis.

but to say that it is part of some conspiracy that will make us passive and give us chemical lobotomies so we will transform into nazi germany.....that is tin foil hat country.

like i said before, our city does not have fluoridated water. my wife went for a dental checkup at her school, which also serves as a clinic for a lot of the low income folks in my town. when the dentist checked her out, one of the first things he commented was that she must not be from around here! i would say that is decent anecdotal evidence for the benefits of fluoridated water.
I don't generally think there are massive conspiracies. I think most of our problems come from greed, ignorance, and stupidity. If you get a group of 10 people together who are doing something wrong, one of them is going to get caught or come clean. I just think putting fluoride in the water is pointless and a waste of money/time. It would be right up there with me insuring a rock in my front yard.


Well-Known Member
For future reference, once someone starts giving me a lecture on freedom as if freedom is my enemy, I immediately stop reading the post.

Characterizing those who disagree with you has hating freedom is a bunch of crap.

I believe in freedom, but freedom has limits. You can pretend you otherwise, but it's bullshit. Do you think I should have the freedom to swing my fist into someone's face? Should I have the freedom to yell "fire!" in a crowded movie theater? Didn't think so. Freedom has limits. That limit is the point it harms others.
Yes, and the democratic line where freedom ends is far from the right place. The republican line is just as bad. Freedom means being free. Democrats want to control your financial life and some of your personal life due to some misguided nanny complex. Republicans do the same, with more emphasis on your personal and social life. Neither are right. Freedom is the right to live your life unfettered as long as you are not harming someone else by your actions. Once again, there is a huge gap between being harmed and not being helped.

You basically said "I don't respond to things I cannot dispel, so I just say I am not arguing it because of _____". You might as well of said "I know you are but what am I"