The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


New Member
Great peice and Im glad john stewart did this, I have to mention its been going on for years not just weeks, the smear campaign is just so obvious now I think it deserves some recognition, I hope the jig is up now, I haven't seen a whole lot of TV but there is not any Ron Paul smearing in possibly the last 24 hours which is coming close to beating the old record of 72 hours with no Ron Paul smears or ignores.


Well-Known Member
Great peice and Im glad john stewart did this, I have to mention its been going on for years not just weeks, the smear campaign is just so obvious now I think it deserves some recognition, I hope the jig is up now, I haven't seen a whole lot of TV but there is not any Ron Paul smearing in possibly the last 24 hours which is coming close to beating the old record of 72 hours with no Ron Paul smears or ignores.
If anything, I think this is going to help Ron Paul greatly. All of the coverage over him being ignored is getting him more coverage than I think I've have ever known him to get. I think a lot of people will also pay closer attention to him to find out why the media has been doing this to him.


New Member
Id say the average is about 4 a day blatant deliberate ignores as evidenced by this thread in particular the first post of this thread which covers the smear campaign from febuary to april I believe.


New Member
Spoke to soon...Someone just said Rick Perry is the only candidate with military experience..but hell it was on Obamas show.

His facebook is /matt.mackowiak . Feel free to write him and chew him out.


New Member
The Ron Paul Tipping Point

Alex Jones says the Ron Paul Smear/Fear campaign is coming to an end, I hope hes right about something for once.



New Member

very well put at the end, I like to compare Ron Paul to Ralph nader myself in that they are both champions for the people, in this interview he says that they are alike because they are are both "True Believers"


New Member
Well I think we can all thank John Stewart who finaly blew the lid on this one, but its not over, at this point I believe there are much fewer people remaining who do not know about the media smear campaign/blackout of Ron Paul. Wolf Blitzer talks to Ron Paul about it on the situation room....Lets hope people continue to google Ron Paul. The establishment is very very afraid now. The only thing that can beat them is an all out Ron Paul Revolution, and its growing and growing and growing......GONE! OVER THE RIGHT FIELD LINE!



New Member
According to this poll on Fox Biz today my predictions are correct...

Is Ron Paul being ignored by the media?
98% Yes



New Member
Ron Paul will not be ignored on August 20th 2011!



New Member

Jordan Page Debuts New Ron Paul Theme Song

Introduction starts at 3:18 with an interview - song starts at 5:34


New Member
Some of the Ron Paul media spin outlined in this new video, hundreds of thousands of views already once the view count ticket updates, its about 100k last I checked:

CNN Candy Crowley is Fact Checked - She Deliberately Ignores Ron Paul
Deprave, I just wanted to pop in, introduce myself, and thank you for your obvious tireless work to promote the principles liberty. If we do not come together in this most crucial moment in history, and support a man who has been fighting the good fight for longer than some of us have been alive, then this country is finished. It should be plainly obvious by now that the current Prez is just the same crap, different pile. I admire your activism from what I've seen, and just wanted to encourage you to keep fighting the good fight.
America without her freedoms, is like a body without a soul. Please consider donating to Ron Paul's Birthday moneybomb this Saturday. I have met Dr. Paul several times, and have a mutual friend with his brother. I can tell you FIRST HAND that HE IS THE REAL DEAL, and will work to liberate us from this police state noose that is tightening around our necks.
He is the ONLY one who hasn't sold out to special interests. That is why the Corporate/Govt. controlled media is doing their best to marginalize him or ignore him, because he threatens their little crap game, and they are running scared.
Come join us on the DailyPaulDOTcom and get involved. Thanks again for your work. Remember the Birthday moneybomb this Saturday. WE WILL SEND A MESSAGE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT THAT WE WILL NOT BE IGNORED!! We are trying to get at least 1 million people to donate at least $20.12 to fight back, and restore our freedom to grow what we want in our gardens, and not have to worry about intrusive govt. getting in the way. We need everyone's help here to get the job done. We CAN win, if we pull together and fight like our futures depend on it, because they literally do. The system is about to implode, and we must do whatever we can to peacefully make a change before the dollar collapses, and there are riots in the streets. If you think it can't happen here, then you are sadly mistaken. In Liberty, Jefferson