the two kinds of bad trips. crazy, and gonna die. my story


Well-Known Member
Ive tripped on shrooms since i was 12 years old and found out the field next door had shooms. And acid around were im at is 90% research chems but ive done those an uncountable amount of times too at various places from middle of the woods with glowsticks to college partys with hundreds of ppl. Ive only had two bad trips. Both were different kinds of bad trips.
I shall describe them

1St one i had taken 4tabs of tripple dosed research and believed i was never gonna come down. That i had literally went crazy and i was sweating BALLS and my skin was red all over and my contrast to my tattoos was freaking me out but looked cool at the same time. I listened to mgmt-kids. To help calm me down. It did its job. i felt like i was literally flying in the sky with my mind. And then it ended. And that was when things took a turn for the worse. I tried to get music to come back on (ps im stuck to the ac unit literally skin to vent and was still hot.) but i couldn't get the phone to unlock every time i would try to unlock it the raindrop affect that smartphones have would ripple and id get 3d visuals. Finally i got it unlocked and searched for pandora but the only site i could find was the fucking jewelry site. (Im still confused as to why i couldn't find the pandora radio site). So i gave up and went to go take a shower. At this point all my tracers would be solid red than blue than red than blue. So i started making hand circles and laughing at the tracers. I tried to take a shower but only made it to my boxers. I go out into the living room and just sit on the couch. My friend is tripping too (supposed to be same dose as mw but he pussed out and took 1) hes watching the basic cable channel that plays really old movies in black in white. All i can tell him is dude im. tripping soooo hard. Dude im tripping balls man! Dude this shits fucking crazy and so on. I finally stop talking and zone out into the t.v and there was this man sitting on a bench with a woman (both in really trippy 50's attire) and they are talking about how pretty the day is and such and then next thing i know she asks him if he ever see's things and hears thing that aren't there. Hes all like well i suppose so. And shes all like well that doesn't make me CRAZY RIGHT? and hes all like no, no the world just doesn't understand you. And at this point i literally believed my mind was talking to me through the t.v. which made me think i took too much and would never stop tripping. And these people sat on this fucking bench basically describing my insane thoughts. I cant remember everything they said but i know that they were talking about me. They were me. They were my conscious and were warning me that i will never be the same. So im like i CANT watch this anymore dude and walk outside, outside the sky is flashing bright blue and red. I thought the cops were there so i threw my pipe in a bush and started freaking out in his front yard in my boxers. Next thing i know my dad is there and he drives me to my house and as soon as i got home i stoped having a bad trip.

ok so i came upon a super potent batch of tastless research. Whoever sprayed these sheet must have been tripping balls and been like *spray *spray "hahaha" *spray spray spray dunk dunk spray spray* i took one hit the first time i had it and tripped as hard as the times ive taken 4 or 5 tabs.

Well my story starts when me, my friend david, this girl, and my bestfriend tre, (fr we got the same tattoo the same day "bro tatt" is what we called it) picked up this dude named Malacai (or however u spell the name) who was one of davids friends well he had like 10g of some fruity and we start smoking down. He hands me 5gs and is like put that in a blunt so i rolled an extendo and we smoked it a few bowls. We had a great time so i decided to buy every one a hit. We dosed and shit was gravy until night came. The malacai dude started acting WAAAAAAAAY to strange. I dont have anything against the homo sexuals at all. But this dudes a "werefaggot" we were all 5 in a ford fusion with malacai In between me and tre. As soon as the moon came up he started crossing his legs and slurping on a drink with nothing in it. And i SWEAR TO GOD HIS HAIR GREW A LITTLE SWOOP UP TOP. LIKE MACKLAMORE OR SOME SHIT. ALSO hes controlling the music in the car through his phone and one song would be like some shit youd see on a 12yr old girls phone And the next screamo or deathmetal but he was going back an forth with it like it was a mix tape like "raaaaaah, we both gooo, we, we both, raaaaaah" which was funny at first but after 20min straight i got waaaaaay out of my comfort zone and what blew it away was when he starts talking in an irish accent and hes all like "12in cock" then "oooooh laddy" XD it was the gayest shit and i couldnt take it anymore so i told them i had to get out of the car im about to freak out.
Ch.2 i freak THE FUCK out
We drive out to this field which normally would be nice but im about to have a bad trip and it was pitch black this is when i started to suspect that they all want to kill me. So i tell them i dont like this spot take me to mc.donalds i need to be around people who aren't tripping. So we goto mc.donalds and i try to go inside but they wont let me. I still dk why. It was like 7:30LOL but anyways the chick comes and asks me whats wrong and i tell her its Malachi so she gets him to sit upfront. And i go back to the car. Hes scared fuck and just staring straight ahead. But i was hallucinating him wispering "he knows" "im telling you he knows" eventually they calm me down and i realize im just having a full blown bad trip... For about 90 seconds lol. Im in the car and the girl looks at me smiles looks at Malachi and says hey Malachi. Whats crackin? Then looks back at me.(im my head that was code for killing me) so i looked at her. With the fires of resistance in my eyes and said "fuck this. Im out." opened the door anf next thing i knew i knew i was on the ground rolling. Then up and running for my life. I ran up to a car at a red light and FUCKING DAMN NEAR RIPPED THE DOOR OFF I OPENED IT SO HARD! Ill never forget the look in that poor womans eyes. Lol they were perfect ovals as i yelled like a spartan HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! She took off through the red light and i collapsed to my knees as other cars drove by me through the red light i yelled at them to help me. "They wanna eat me please no!!!"i yeld at this soccer mom with kids in her car. No one stopped i started walking and made it to the mc.donalds and guess who was there... Yep Malacai and his GANG. They are trying to talk to me calmly. But in my head... It was all just too reassuring. Then i take off my shoes. Idk why, i think i thought i could run faster that way. So i run behind mc.donalds by the drive through and turn around and my boy tre and the chick come around the corner all half crouched with one hand out and one hand back basically like ninjas. Then i started seeing shadow people running at me out the corner of my eye. Thinking they got bats n shit. So im constantly doing 180's checking my six i did that like 4 or 5 times and i was all like tre, theres too many of them and run out into 4 lane traffic trying to get hit. Because i honestly believed that all reality has completely flipped. I believed without a doubt that i was about to get killed and eaten. Thankfully the highway wasn't that busy and after three cars near missing me. I see tre come running towards me (to get me out the street) and im like NOOOO and haul ass back to mc.donalds. Then i realize i have a cell phone. I called someone to come get me and i told them, "these people are trying to kill me. Please come get me" they nere like "(my name) im in Georgia" i dropped my arm down. Then i started hearing my name and i put it back to my ear and it was my MOM. She was asking me who was trying to kill me? And i told her "im tripping nuuuuuuuuuts and im having a very bad trip" she said she would come get me. Then we talked on the phone for like 15 minutes then she said just go sit back in the car. Lean back. Relax and close your eyes. That made me think she was in on it. So i hung up and walked up to these people leaving the drive through and told them please help om having a bad trip on acid. He gave me a "h*ly fuck" look and skirted off. For thirty more minutes i ran around this mc.donalds with no shoes on pretending to talk to people on my phone because i thought no one would kill me if i was on the phone. Finally my mom gets there but i wont go with her cause i thought that they were all in on it and when i got home theyed all come out the woods with smiles on their faces all holding blunt objects. Finally my mom sits down on the curb and is just looking around. Then i started hearing sirens and i was like mom lets go. So we got in the car and i checked the back. And the whole ride home i had my back to tbe window cause i was seeing shadow people in the car. I almost bailed out again. But this time doing 67 not 30. Finally we got back to my house. And i realized no one came out the woods. I busted out into manic laughter. And immediately called them n told them i was good. I told them thank you for not hauling ass on me while i was tripping i could have easily died and its a maricle im not vacoracted right now.
Its been over a year and i haven't tripped since if i do it will be with clean lsd and at home.
Thanks for reading
Tasteless research chemicals? Are You sure it was not LSD ??? hahaha
Every rc I have sampled has a very distinct flavor. Bitter. Sour. Numbing. Tingly. Sweet. Shroomy. Strong rubbery taste (not burning rubber) I haven't had one tasteless yet and I've sampled a bunch
The stuff You ate, @BionicΩChronic sounds dangerous.
Did You find any benefit from the trip what so ever ?
Sounds like You got outstanding visuals though.

How much did You handle ? Just a dose or two? Were They dosed out on paper or liquid ?

The benefit was i now understand how to keep myself in a good trip and know the warning signs im in an uncomfortable area. No spiritual experience except while i was in the car before i bailed out i could see/feel black hands grabbing me all over (i think it was the shadows of trees just my trip so intense i could feel them as well as see them) and it kinda had i spirital feel to it. The whole time i touched my phone i could feel.the electricity in it which was weird

The first story i took 4 hits of some research and the second was one hit of the tasteless research
One time with my friend we bought a few hits of acid. It was on two different papers. He and I had a good trip off the one paper hr and I split, but when he went back to school I bought the "two" that were on the paper we had left. It was smaller than the first one, and had "4" hits on it. My parents were out of town so I took them and watched a baseball game and then took a shower. I didn't feel anything until i took the shower. Baseball games usually last about 2-3 hours so that's a long time for lsd, and 4 hits worth definitely. I barely tripped the whole night, things were maybe a little wavey and colorful.
One time with my friend we bought a few hits of acid. It was on two different papers. He and I had a good trip off the one paper hr and I split, but when he went back to school I bought the "two" that were on the paper we had left. It was smaller than the first one, and had "4" hits on it. My parents were out of town so I took them and watched a baseball game and then took a shower. I didn't feel anything until i took the shower. Baseball games usually last about 2-3 hours so that's a long time for lsd, and 4 hits worth definitely. I barely tripped the whole night, things were maybe a little wavey and colorful.
Thats weird ive never had it take so long to hit ive had shit that takes a while to hit you and you start to wonder if u just took some notebook paper then next thing u know it hits the fuck out
Yeah my guess is that it was 4 drops of extremely weak acid hit the paper, it was really small and had a line drawn in a + so we would know how to split it. and he said it had 4 hits (I was young and dumb and this much of the internet wasn't around back then) I was really surprised at the long come up too. I guess that's a different kind of bad trip, the way too underwhelming one.
I did trip 2 hits a week or so earlier tho
I handled about a half gram + and they're dry powders right now. I just took 0.024 g allylescaline, a couple hours ago.CEV are great.
Do many of the test chemicals You have tasted, do They have much of a mind trip effect?
Such as sped up thinking trains, overly abundant and rich thought patterns ? like LSD ?
The benefit was i now understand how to keep myself in a good trip and know the warning signs im in an uncomfortable area. No spiritual experience except while i was in the car before i bailed out i could see/feel black hands grabbing me all over (i think it was the shadows of trees just my trip so intense i could feel them as well as see them) and it kinda had i spirital feel to it. The whole time i touched my phone i could feel.the electricity in it which was weird
That sounds like it has some spiritual aspects to it.
So the test chemicals most definately highetned Your awarness ?
That feeling in Your phone is radiation...
Allylescaline is the bees knees, the tits, a+++, the pb to the j, its really nice. Right now I'm typing, looking at visuals, and thinking a lot of weird interesting things. Like how there is a super Nintendo game that evolves you through 5 stages of extinction, where you fight an evil entity by eating crystals which transport you to a special room.
Did somebody say dimethyltriptamine?
Allylescaline is the bees knees, the tits, a+++, the pb to the j, its really nice. Right now I'm typing, looking at visuals, and thinking a lot of weird interesting things. Like how there is a super Nintendo game that evolves you through 5 stages of extinction, where you fight an evil entity by eating crystals which transport you to a special room.
Did somebody say dimethyltriptamine?

Wish i could get some shit like tht!
The benefit was i now understand how to keep myself in a good trip and know the warning signs im in an uncomfortable area. No spiritual experience except while i was in the car before i bailed out i could see/feel black hands grabbing me all over (i think it was the shadows of trees just my trip so intense i could feel them as well as see them) and it kinda had i spirital feel to it. The whole time i touched my phone i could feel.the electricity in it which was weird

The first story i took 4 hits of some research and the second was one hit of the tasteless research

These are always just hard for me to read. Just feel like these could be avoided. I've never had a trip like this, but I've seen a few... Resolved that I wouldn't put anyone in that situation again. It was always in an overly social setting with a newbie.

One guy decided it was cool to start groping all the girls at a gathering, we tried to take him into the other room and calm him down, but he bolted to the bathroom and locked the door. When we got in the water was on and he was naked. He ran back into the party and started swinging his wang all over in peoples faces. At this point people were mellowing out and chilling on the floor. He ended up running to the balcony, we were three stories up in an apartment. He tried to jump over, no idea what he was thinking, but he's naked and me and friends are trying to cool him out. In the end it was a horrible deal, but we were all tripping really hard so we walked him out to his car. It was summertime and the apartment backed to a field where his car was parked. We opened his car up and went back inside with the keys... Didn't know what else to do... We kept checking on him, he was doing weird shit all night. He ended up falling asleep still naked by the front door. We came out and put a blanket on him. Luckily the cops never came.

No more of that for me, thanks :) Set and Setting!

Usually when I'm feeling weird vibes I wander off, even if it means I'm alone a while figuring everything out. Pretty much always keep the scene cool to avoid this, but mostly know your substance and dose!
These are always just hard for me to read. Just feel like these could be avoided. I've never had a trip like this, but I've seen a few... Resolved that I wouldn't put anyone in that situation again. It was always in an overly social setting with a newbie.

One guy decided it was cool to start groping all the girls at a gathering, we tried to take him into the other room and calm him down, but he bolted to the bathroom and locked the door. When we got in the water was on and he was naked. He ran back into the party and started swinging his wang all over in peoples faces. At this point people were mellowing out and chilling on the floor. He ended up running to the balcony, we were three stories up in an apartment. He tried to jump over, no idea what he was thinking, but he's naked and me and friends are trying to cool him out. In the end it was a horrible deal, but we were all tripping really hard so we walked him out to his car. It was summertime and the apartment backed to a field where his car was parked. We opened his car up and went back inside with the keys... Didn't know what else to do... We kept checking on him, he was doing weird shit all night. He ended up falling asleep still naked by the front door. We came out and put a blanket on him. Luckily the cops never came.

No more of that for me, thanks :) Set and Setting!

Usually when I'm feeling weird vibes I wander off, even if it means I'm alone a while figuring everything out. Pretty much always keep the scene cool to avoid this, but mostly know your substance and dose!

If i ever start to feel uncomfortable i know tht means i need to change my surroundings. One time me my friend Buzz and wade and ellie and these two other chicks were camping on 3 hits of research x2 dosed. In thioppeop s big ass tent in the woods. Everything was chill we were inside starting to feel trippy n smoking herb when i reach im my bookbag and slit a glow stick and start slinging it everywhere buzz freaks out an jumps out the tent hes seeing shadows running at him i told him you gotta change your surroundings for a min so we walked out the woods to a shrom feild and after i got him relaxed we went back and had a great trip.

P.s you really hear some strange and some scary shit in the woods at night
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