The UK Growers Thread!

I'm wrecked, not in a good way, already been to bed for a few hours, i cannot recall the last time i ever had to have a nap, at 6pm none the less. Woke up ver6y hungover, took all of the tiles and such to the dump then ditched the car, then got rather high and made my way back home. A friend texted me to say shout when i was heading to the festival, i said i'd be on my way then fell asleep in a bean bag, got 5 missed calls and some texts, feel pretty bad although there were other folk he could have met up with so pah.

With regard to the volcano, i cna't easily attribute it to it, but since i picked it up, my smoking and vaping has dropped from rather manic to near nothing, whether this is just the depression who knows, but i certainly know what del means about smoke feeling dirty, i rolled up some oil and weed no tobacco and een that, i've never been so aware of the taste of the shit you're burning when you spark that lighter. Not very enjoyable. I'm not even a heavy tobacco user, i use maybe a 12g pak of virginia a week, but the savings from not buying tobacco rizzler and lighters every week will mean the volcano pays itsel;f off in 12 month.

No screens available i'm afraid other than a 15" lcd that i've lost the power brick for. I've always been tempted to give my 24" tft to someone or other, it's been surplus since the day i paid for it, these days it's purely for the odd person popping over with a computer, or the twice a year lan party i attend.

Also look pretty kick arse at the end of my couch, probably need to get a label for it so people'll will stop asking me what it is :D

Here is the clincher for me for observing someone elses experience as i said earlier. My mate who i was supposed to go out and about with this eve, he is the only person i know who can handle my joints, so he's a darn good tolerence, he had a bag and that wa more than he had been looking for, we were both good for the ret of the evening.

Oh, didn't reply to PM robbie but i think that's some spot on advice about clingflim and freezing the stuff, thanks :)

drinking a grolsch watching baseketball and trying to enjoy my 1 day weekend.
heres afuckin laff. jist found out one of my good mates, my brothers best mate has been bangin his girl, she's my girls sister. this has all been dropped on my lap. my brother had split with her but is now tryin to get back with her, my girl has told him about it but he' sin denial. ah ah swear tae god ahm gonny end up doin sumcunt in. ah really dont need this kinda shit.
dont you hate it when youve got loads of screens open and a random ad starts playing an you cant for the fucking life of ya find it to turn it off. it really grinds me gears ....
so im wanted by the plod for a few small things they went to my mums looking for me she gave them my number so i stuck in a new sim they dont know where i live , recon itll blow over or should i face the music ?
so im wanted by the plod for a few small things they went to my mums looking for me she gave them my number so i stuck in a new sim they dont know where i live , recon itll blow over or should i face the music ?

All depends on the charges. If it's fines they'll just keep looking, as they need all the money the can get at the moment.