That's red gurnard mate. Tasty as fuck but a bit of a pain to fillet off (triangular spine). Pick them up by the horns on the top of their eye sockets.
Myth has it that it's pointy things were as a result of partial evolution onto land, that is to say it's feet. But i kinda read that in the same way that i i read the story of John Dory and St peter touching it and saving it's life
If one of the local pubs is having a blaringly loud cider and jazz festival, does that mean that i can't legally get a noise complaint?
Since i pretty muched stopped smoking, i've been having some sriously fucked up dreams (partly becuse they're all based on life events, not some random made up bollocks) but one of them involved me buying a "churchill" bulldog that sobered on the floor each time it jumped, an alsatian i ignored because it was too big and a cute as fuck brown pit pup that was more a cat than a dog but more a dog than a cat
I can't wait to move to the country and get myself some animals. Fuck living the high life, nowt but a big drop and lots of stairs.