The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
im using a double bedroom dragon have got the space to grow 50 plants if i wanted to but got a baby on the way n dont like prison much so im just doing 9 monsters i reckon they will be at least 5-6ft tall when finished and im hopeing for a minimum of 5oz a plant, i done 2 BB's in a tent last time veged em BIG n got 6.5oz of each plant but that was 2 plants under 1 600hps think that had alot to do with the good yield cause i was having problems with temp n humidity in the tent.

cloneing is pretty easy i just got meself a good propergater witha heat-pad n a double cheap flourescent light which ive taped to the top of the propergater n all my clones have rooted fine each time.

Im not certain but i think if you clone fem seeds that your not garenteed that it will be female could be hermi unlike if you are if you clone a regular female.
alright mate computer went into melt down or maybe it was riu not sure gonna pick up a propergater 2mo when i go for the nutes cheers 4 doing the home work on the fem seed clones and congrats on the little 1 to be :-P i went up and had a look at where my other setup is gonna go and should have plenty of room for a tidy cloning and veg area where did you get your heated propergater from hydro shop or gardening center? and yeah i don't blame you for growing the small trees unfortunately i haven't got alot of height apart from in the center of the room so goona have to do lots of smaller 1's 2-3ft should be fine so definately goona be a cloning job i'll just have to hope the next room i'm in if all goes pete tong isn't a 5x9 lol


Active Member
Ok i hate to do this but i got a really stupid fuckin question, but when baked n thinking i confuse myself, then i doubt myself, specially when it comes to shit that could fry me lol... here goes

i got an unwired e40 cap n i was gonna attatch it to my refelector, but the cap has no earth clip, now i know where the live n neutral wire goes, but not the earth, can i fix that to the metal fixing frame on the refelctor ?, i think i know the answer but self doubt has set in so figured ask the audience...


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i picked up my prop from bnq. the hydro store advised me against heated props but i figured screw you and bought one and it's all good.

my cheese clones ahve desided to grow around the water in it's coco and just send roots shooting outta the drainage holes, like in the hundreds. these are my biggest pots :o why have no other plants ever done that?


Well-Known Member
i picked up my prop from bnq. the hydro store advised me against heated props but i figured screw you and bought one and it's all good.

my cheese clones ahve desided to grow around the water in it's coco and just send roots shooting outta the drainage holes, like in the hundreds. these are my biggest pots :o why have no other plants ever done that?
yeah i have my heat pad on a timer comes on for 5mins every 15mins otherwise it just frys the clones.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i picked up my prop from bnq. the hydro store advised me against heated props but i figured screw you and bought one and it's all good.

my cheese clones ahve desided to grow around the water in it's coco and just send roots shooting outta the drainage holes, like in the hundreds. these are my biggest pots :o why have no other plants ever done that?
cheers mate i was thinking 1 of the cheaper 1's my b&q are gonna catch on soon i've been down there loads of times the last couple of weeks picking up lighting pots and soil perlite etc the guy gave me a funny look last time when i got some small pots,cfl's,perlite and another bag of john innes lol i haven't got a clue about the drainage holes how big are your pots?


Well-Known Member
Ok i hate to do this but i got a really stupid fuckin question, but when baked n thinking i confuse myself, then i doubt myself, specially when it comes to shit that could fry me lol... here goes

i got an unwired e40 cap n i was gonna attatch it to my refelector, but the cap has no earth clip, now i know where the live n neutral wire goes, but not the earth, can i fix that to the metal fixing frame on the refelctor ?, i think i know the answer but self doubt has set in so figured ask the audience...

light fittings dont come with earth cables usually.


Well-Known Member
alright mate computer went into melt down or maybe it was riu not sure gonna pick up a propergater 2mo when i go for the nutes cheers 4 doing the home work on the fem seed clones and congrats on the little 1 to be :-P i went up and had a look at where my other setup is gonna go and should have plenty of room for a tidy cloning and veg area where did you get your heated propergater from hydro shop or gardening center? and yeah i don't blame you for growing the small trees unfortunately i haven't got alot of height apart from in the center of the room so goona have to do lots of smaller 1's 2-3ft should be fine so definately goona be a cloning job i'll just have to hope the next room i'm in if all goes pete tong isn't a 5x9 lol
i got my propergator from a gardening store is was a little cheaper than the grow shop had to buy the flourescent lights from the grow shop tho so what i saved on the propergator i prob spent on petrol to buy the lights lol

and yeah riu seems to have been down the last few hours, wasnt ya computer m8.

oh and if you got height issues in ya grow room ava look into lst (low stress training) for ya plants


Active Member
light fittings dont come with earth cables usually.
I have 2 other E40 caps and when i checked them for wiring layout they both had an earch clip, this is why im a bit stumped... attatching earth to summat im gonna be handling will be safe wont it lol



Well-Known Member
uve picked up your bedside lamp b4? its only got two cables like a lot of household units, dvd palyers, stereos and alarm clocks


Well-Known Member
im rough...again. bought a cpouple of g of charlie yesterday coz i'd run out on friday and i dunno what this cunt had cut it with but my fuckin nose is shredded, fuckin bloody snots and lotta pain, i suspect its cut with 'e', its was kinda weird. fucker, i hate gettin ripped off but the cunt wants to buy sum weed off me so i'm gaunna sugar coat the fucker so that it appears heavier and get my £40 back.
take it you didnt try the acetone wash then lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i got my propergator from a gardening store is was a little cheaper than the grow shop had to buy the flourescent lights from the grow shop tho so what i saved on the propergator i prob spent on petrol to buy the lights lol

and yeah riu seems to have been down the last few hours, wasnt ya computer m8.

oh and if you got height issues in ya grow room ava look into lst (low stress training) for ya plants
cheers mate already had a look at that 1 i suppose another advantage to taking clones their as mature as the mother they came from so as suggested a bit of lst and earlier flowering i'm gonna pick up another aquarium style fl 2ft long with ballast £20 multi spectrum with a lot of blue i threw the 1 i got now over the plants i got now when they were seedlings with 2 cfl's and they took off like little rockets


Well-Known Member
I have 2 other E40 caps and when i checked them for wiring layout they both had an earch clip, this is why im a bit stumped... attatching earth to summat im gonna be handling will be safe wont it lol

You want to get the earth wire fastened to the reflector.:-P

Infact stic it on owt you want earthed.


Well-Known Member
lol no not yet, im gaunna give it a shot next weekend but jeez this gear was fuckin that rough i've still got half left.


Well-Known Member
base would cause all the nose issues yeah but u would definatly no if its cut wid base the not sleeping for days would give it away lol 1st time i ever tried mdma crystals i crushed em up and done a huge line, havent felt nose pain like it EVER lol i was rolling around on the floor in agony then i was wrecked n 4got bout me nose lol

but yeah good chance it was cut with pills, or a 1000s other nasty things that people cut it with, i use to prefer beechams cold/flu capsules its a white powder witha shine to it and it keeps ya nose unblocked lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
base would cause all the nose issues yeah but u would definatly no if its cut wid base the not sleeping for days would give it away lol 1st time i ever tried mdma crystals i crushed em up and done a huge line, havent felt nose pain like it EVER lol i was rolling around on the floor in agony then i was wrecked n 4got bout me nose lol

but yeah good chance it was cut with pills, or a 1000s other nasty things that people cut it with, i use to prefer beechams cold/flu capsules its a white powder witha shine to it and it keeps ya nose unblocked lol
lol were not that lucky down yer mate i haven't touched it for a while it just seems to be getting worse down our way i was throwing up for 2 days last time there was about 12 of us all ill and i know he's still ducking and diving the boys after the first idings he had i think he retired shortly after