The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
the smell of green green grass lol,
Isnt the taxman looking for some team for unpaid taxes ..... oh wait is that a fake 9 million bid for Jellyfish which was rejected... ahem cough cough :-)


Well-Known Member
theres'a funny one, "you wish you lived in Amsterdam", and I am fukkin praying I don't ever have to live in Parkhead cross again. Was always nice to have my car smashed by visiting current buns, and coming home to a nice piss on my doorstep, oh thems where the days living in the Golden Triangle that is Parkhead. Bag eh broon anyone? Versace dress maybe then? lol. Hopefully the Commenwealth games will make is shiney again, because the fukkin GEAR project certainly made fuk all difference. "Rant over from ex-weedgie non soap dodger, non throwing ginger bottle boy".....

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


Active Member
theres'a funny one, "you wish you lived in Amsterdam", and I am fukkin praying I don't ever have to live in Parkhead cross again. Was always nice to have my car smashed by visiting current buns, and coming home to a nice piss on my doorstep, oh thems where the days living in the Golden Triangle that is Parkhead. Bag eh broon anyone? Versace dress maybe then? lol. Hopefully the Commenwealth games will make is shiney again, because the fukkin GEAR project certainly made fuk all difference. "Rant over from ex-weedgie non soap dodger, non throwing ginger bottle boy".....

who the fuck are you dickhead, DST more like SDT, tosser no one was talking to you wank stain!!!!!


munch box

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if you foriegners could help me with the euro currency?
I think attitude seeds ripped me off. When I recently placed a order for just a handful of seeds and on checkout the total was 60$ after shipping and non stealth delivery, but when I looked online at my bank transaction, Attitude seedbank had taken out almost 10$ more than the agreed ammount. Thats not including the seperate currency fee my bank charged on the side . 1.50$ My reciept says 42 euros, and when I do the currency conversion online, it only comes out to 60$, not $69. Do I have that correct? Has anybody had this problem with Attitude overcharging credit cards before?​


Well-Known Member
who the fuck are you dickhead, DST more like SDT, tosser no one was talking to you wank stain!!!!!

woooaah bro DST is the man on here , thats twice you kicked off ... who the fuck are you anyway? we are all well known and take the piss out each other in this thread , if your gonna be a cocky arse then you can fuck off ! no negative issues in here !
we are all here for the laugh, try reading abit of the thread before you show off ya biceps !


Well-Known Member
first job on my list to make this a sticky thread it shud be one already...
kev we dont want this thread as a sticky mate , then it will always be up high on the main forum and all newbies and idiots will come flooding :) keep it as it is ;) you know us , we dont like change ;)