The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've never understood the Bristol Channels name sake. It's a city somewhere, and then a whole huge massive thing of water called after it, doesn't compute, seems more like the Devon Channel than Bristol Channel.

And i ent fucking fishing in the North Sea!
Hahaha im on the south right on the edge of the solent theres a main river running into the sea harbour so we get a good mix of all fish thanks to sea water / sea-fresh / fresh all within a mile of each other and it takes less than 15 mins to hit deepwaters you wouldnt believe some of the grim shit weve got fucking about in our waters lol i worked the local fish mongers one summer was actually a good laugh but i havent been in the sea since lmfao :P

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was a fish monger and butcher for 3 years odd. Courtesy of the fish monger side of it, i'm now scared to go in the sea, why are they all so fucking spikey!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am a middle to upper class gentleman :p we'll have none of that. Haha, i will happily admit i deplore people who have the inability to write their native language :p fuck "well you understood" i could sock you in the face with a 2 by 4 and i think you'd understand my message equally well :p

You crossed the 3 :p a post rule, now you're gonna get some. It's like a punch in the nose over the internet, it won't do anything but you'll live with it forever!

Supermarkets are making me drink with their cheapness :( bastards! ? :lol: whoo


Well-Known Member
so evening guys
sorted id been UNDERwatering them! look nice again now thank fook!

how is everyone this rather nice yorkshire evening!


Well-Known Member
Morning bitches / afternoon i finally fell asleep didnt last fucking long tho ! lol Sae i was gonna pm u dude chick alert in essex grows weed ! then i though nopw nope your not in school no more otb :P but yeah u inbox was full u pleb :D time for wakey bakey
Haha im already taken mate so nothing like that, be nice to have someone to chat to though that knows the area an someone to swap cuts n stuff with tho lol


Well-Known Member
Haha im already taken mate so nothing like that, be nice to have someone to chat to though that knows the area an someone to swap cuts n stuff with tho lol
cant wait for the day someone near me casually rocks up on here lol if only to buy more weed !

( i dont normally kill moths but this mother fucker will not sit still ! )


Well-Known Member
Here ya go Hazeylady.....

Hydro Vega Directions of Use

Directions of use

  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Fill nutrient reservoir with water
  • Add Hydro Vega to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1 : 250 (400 ml A and 400 ml B per 100 L of water) Add Hydro Vega A to the nutrient reservoir Stir well, then add Hydro Vega B Hard Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
  • The EC of Hydro Vega dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1,5 - 2,4 mS (= the solution EC + the water EC)
  • Recommended pH: 5,2 - 6,2
  • When growing intensively drip feed the plants 1 - 3 times a day with this nutrient and make sure the drain will be between 10% and 20% and/or flush with water every 1 - 2 weeks. In general this means 3 - 5 L of nutrient per m² per day
Hydro Flores Directions of Use

Directions of use

  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Fill nutrient reservoir with water
  • Add Hydro Flores to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1 : 250 (400 ml A and 400 ml B per 100 L of water) Add Hydro Flores A to the nutrient reservoir Stir well, then add Hydro Flores B Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
  • The EC of Hydro Flores dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1,8 - 2,7 mS (= the solution EC + the water EC)
  • Recommended pH: 5,2 - 6,2
  • When growing intensively drip feed the plants 1-3 times a day with this nutrient and make sure the drain will be between 10% and 20% and/or flush with water every 1-2 weeks. In general this means 4-6 litre of nutrient per m² per day
Storage, health & safety and other directions

  • CANNA developed Hydro Vega specially for the growing phase of the plant
  • Do not mix A & B concentrate directly; Insoluble combinations will occur which the plant cannot absorb
  • Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place (UV light breaks down iron chelates in the nutrient)
  • Keep out of reach of children