The UK Growers Thread!

i chucked mine in flower with about 3 weeks veg n pulled 44 from it if memory serves. they grow fast and tall flowering time is just over 9 on the tall pheno the short one yeilds less but finishes a week to a week n a half earlier.

ready to go now i've got them in bags to go to sea of seeds the morrow. or i'll pm you an alternative ;)

yeah a PM might be nice ;-) lol
Taxing it and legalization would put a major dent in a lot of our pockets lads. Careful what you wish for.

They can tax it all they want but there's nothing to stop you not paying said tax. For instance when was the last time a builder refused cash in hand :lol:

Cannabis would also be much like the catering world, the ability to cook the books so to speak is unreal. It wouoldn't change owt for people who don't plan to pay taxes.
my new toy has landed. the fecking thing has travelled better then me haha.
right lil update for you all if any off u r interested in the new leds. mag plus is huge ment b able cover a 4 x 4 ft space. quite heavy to and the hanging clips r too small get over the hanging bar in tent so will have to doctor it alittle. 3 diff modes veg blue lights flower red lights and boost both lights same time. this thing is so bright i turned on blue n shone up stairs and i feel the pentration off this thing s crazy, my upstairs was lighted up like a rave was going on and my eyes went all fucked up for over hour just getting full site back haha.
took week and a day to arrive.
the testing starts tonight will hang it up in tent and let u all no how it goes over the next few months. got 4 ladies bout 2 3 week in flower so perfect timing to test the flowering capabilitys off this big beast
Taxing it and legalization would put a major dent in a lot of our pockets lads. Careful what you wish for.
That and they'd probably make it illegal for anyone but some shit-ass government entity run by a bunch of accountants who've never grown so much as an herb garden grow it. Weed by Plagron. Weed by Monsanto. You trust that? I don't think so.
And they wont just grow shitty weed, they'll probably make it low potency too. If you ever get a chance look at what the medical patients in Canada have to put up with. If you're not one of the 2000-3000 people who are allowed to grow their own or live near a co-op, then you have to get your weed from the governament. No lie-it look like Mexican brick weed.
well i cant drink so thats not an option but i can see me pickin up sum blues and sum alc free wine just to pass the time.
tried tae have a chug tae babestation but ma fuckin arm went numb and theres no sign of the money shot, if i pick up a bird tonight she's gonny be walkin like fuckin john wayne the morra.
hahaha i wish i could get some good sniff , most the stuff doesnt freeze ya face anymore just the back of your throut .... face numbness for the win lol
Hello there beaner! Hows u????? Im hammered. Hows the garden?

just took a line of that coke i was tellin you about, its fuckin superb. face went numb, bursting fora shit and really clean sparkly up. no paranoia just a straight buzz.
You fucking cock fiends ehrmm... coke fiend jocks are mental. I was always a downers guy. I prefer my opiates-never graduated to the black, but it got so bad that I had to join a methadone program.
Id di have a coke phase about a year about where the white bitch got me for about a month. I ended up breaking into a house in the middle of the day. When I got home, I decided I could've gotten more, so I went back and got caught by a group of ese's and got chased around the streets for 10 minutes until I drove up behind a fucking cop giving another guy a ticket. So picture me there, car full of stolen goods, twacked out of my mind, hadn't showered in days, hair and clothes all fucked up..and now I'm begging this cop to save me from the scary gangsters. Somehow I didn't get arrested. And I went home and promptly check myself into detox for a week. Ah youth
You fucking cock fiends ehrmm... coke fiend jocks are mental. I was always a downers guy. I prefer my opiates-never graduated to the black, but it got so bad that I had to join a methadone program.
Id di have a coke phase about a year about where the white bitch got me for about a month. I ended up breaking into a house in the middle of the day. When I got home, I decided I could've gotten more, so I went back and got caught by a group of ese's and got chased around the streets for 10 minutes until I drove up behind a fucking cop giving another guy a ticket. So picture me there, car full of stolen goods, twacked out of my mind, hadn't showered in days, hair and clothes all fucked up..and now I'm begging this cop to save me from the scary gangsters. Somehow I didn't get arrested. And I went home and promptly check myself into detox for a week. Ah youth

And you take the piss out of us Jocks beaner!!!! No more, we sound like the same kind of

@Roberto - its hard to get proper stuff. I just paid 1500 for an oz of proper. Washed it back and it came in at .7. So your talking 70% and this is meant to be untouched. I LOVE MANITOL .LOL
Fucking tinterweb, trying to pay for some seeds and cunting hotmail decides now is the appropriate time to make me reset my password for some bollocks or other, not happy,be glad when this is done so i can log bk outta the cunt for another month or so fucking hotmail muggy cunts grr
Fucking tinterweb, trying to pay for some seeds and cunting hotmail decides now is the appropriate time to make me reset my password for some bollocks or other, not happy,be glad when this is done so i can log bk outta the cunt for another month or so fucking hotmail muggy cunts grr

What did you decide on in the end?
What did you decide on in the end?

Cheesquake X Qrazytrain this time, then i wanna try an get the BSB XCaseyband(or whatever its called lol) Also im waiting to hear from another member in a few weeks about some black rose seeds and then im ACTUALLy gonna get started on the TGA stuff lol