morning ladz hows the grows
That would be a red flag for me, but idk, if I was in need I'd probably buy it.PUMP BE EXECUTED FROM VERY GOOD MATERIALS
the english on the pump advert is quality
its probably a very good product, it looks pretty good but it was just the advertisng blurb iw as laughing at. u can imagine the guys in the factory and one says 'i spleak velly great engrish'LOOOL i can't lie i did not see that at all =D
i suppose the look goes on, thanks for the warning
whats the score with hydrogen peroxide? is it sumthing you should always keep in the house and use on aregular basis or just as problem solver? any one with experience in using this stuff gimme sum info on your experiences
No experience because i've never used it![]()
I think it's a (american) hydroponics thing. A good place to ask would be that thread I gave you about the beneficial bacteria and DWCwhats the score with hydrogen peroxide? is it sumthing you should always keep in the house and use on aregular basis or just as problem solver? any one with experience in using this stuff gimme sum info on your experiences
Well from what I know there are two schools of thought in the DWC world concerning the reservoir. Either you keep it sterile or you use beneficial bacteria and I think only the guys that go sterile use hydrogen because like you said it kills the microheard.with what im reading its either very good to use on a regular basis or only as a problem solver, the issues seem to be the same but looked at from opposite ends. the peroxide kills all microbes good and bad so although it kills the problem it destroys any beneficial microbes as well, the thing i would question is that as your emptying your reservoir every week the odds of actually breeding and decent microbe culture is doubtful, i kept tropical fish for years and it takes a week at least to build up the microbes
Well from what I know there are two schools of thought in the DWC world concerning the reservoir. Either you keep it sterile or you use beneficial bacteria and I think only the guys that go sterile use hydrogen because like you said it kills the microheard.
Thing is, the one time I ran a DWC to see what the big deal was with it, I never got any kind of algae or slime and I never changed the water in the 4 weeks I had it running.