The UK Growers Thread!

Well i've got one vegging at the moment, kinda an aquafarm :p but it's not gonna be too large due to time constraints.

Oh ya cunting bollocks, thought something had gone wrong with my hps for a second, then realized clocks have changed.
Harvest pic for you guys an gals


More in my thread!
mine look SHIT compared to them beuties
my 1st time
shit strain
1 word------------------LESSON
and it has been learned good strains from now on
i was raided sunday 30th oct all my bbys dead :( scrum police are i grow for myself no1 else got off with a caution but all my bbys dead miss them soo much think it was electric company im with E-on so if any of u lot are b carfull i think they grassed me up even thou i pay for my bills now im down £2000 in lights an my custom built room :( im guitted..
i was raided sunday 30th oct all my bbys dead :( scrum police are i grow for myself no1 else got off with a caution but all my bbys dead miss them soo much think it was electric company im with E-on so if any of u lot are b carfull i think they grassed me up even thou i pay for my bills now im down £2000 in lights an my custom built room :( im guitted..

how many did you have goin and what stage were they at? i got busted in march, i had 8 though one was dead, id just put my car thru a wall and had a pocket of valium so the fuckers got a warrant and raided my flat. i lost a full tent set up, probably around £400 .:cry:
I feel sorry for the pair of you..... hopefully i dont get done when i start my shed op. How did you manage to smash your motor up dura?
No experience because i've never used it ;)

this stuff is nasty m8 oxy plus .. make sure you are careful when you use it .. wear gloves or something lol
just opening the bottle of that shit, the fumes will make the top layer of skin on your hands turn white and it burns like fuck
but does not lasting damage, its like having your hands pepper sprayed lol
baring that in mind, it works well as a mild bleach to clean shit up and remove algae , and adds oxygen to water :)
This is something i've always wondered

Would you or would you not accept a police caution?

If the police came into my house and destoryed all my grow kit and gave me a caution, i would take them to court for destruction of property. It doesn't matter if cannabis is illegal, until there is valid proof that the act of growing is not legal such as with a license, then it is uterly against the law for the police to do as they do. I'd personally take em to court, get em done for destruction of property, get my compensation and then just use some of it to pay off the £100 court fine for growing pot. The police do not hold the authority to be judge and jury, if they find you growing, that grow is evidence, it does not get destroyed or taken from you until guilt is proven by a court of law.
This is that little corner of heaven....WHERE YER NOT WELCOME YOU SHLAGGGG!

Afternoon doc :) i'm just finished from work so i'm installing battlefield 3 and getting ready to get some cheese on the go :)