The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
better bet would be to soak it in water an then bake it, repeat this a few times and it will to an extent re-activate it( I once did a few shifts for an agency at a place called Chemviron carbon and thats what i spent 3 days doing, mixing carbon with water and loading it into a gigantic rotating oven)
so do i pour it into a bucket , swirl around, empty the water out and then bake it? and repeat?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i mite give that a shot mate but ive had two knowledgable people in today and i asked them, both said there was no smell at all, either in my house or out in the landing. one guys a grower with decades of drug experience and the other is a mid level dealer/supplier . if these two cant smell it then ive fixed the problem. i was startin to get jittery about it because its so close to harvest and this is my xmas cash for the kids and it'll clear all my debts off.
Sounds good man. My flatmates best friend has been a grower all his life, he walked into my flat and the first thing he did was tell me i'm growing weed :D So if your guys can't smell it game on!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man. My flatmates best friend has been a grower all his life, he walked into my flat and the first thing he did was tell me i'm growing weed :D So if your guys can't smell it game on!
yeah thats what i thought too. my little bro just came in ( he's a grower too)and he told me about it last nite, a cpl of others had mentioned it over the last week. he'd foned earlier sayin he was cumin so i told him id tried to fix it and that he should see if he could detect it when he walked in, as soon as he walked in he said it was undetectable. so now i can relax....only a bit though coz im flyin on charlie!


Well-Known Member
The kidnappers targeting Jordans children were wondering how much they should ask for Harvey. So they rang up the returns department at the garden centre and asked how much a broken spade was worth.


Well-Known Member
The kidnappers targeting Jordans children were wondering how much they should ask for Harvey. So they rang up the returns department at the garden centre and asked how much a broken spade was worth.
Haha u sick cunt dura smashin it pal as per!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's definately something that is potentially being planned. The general rule of thumb is when it's too good to be true, it is too good, as such, if one is to happen across a site offering seemingly great stuff for 10 seeds for £10 etc, it's ignored as a scam, but the advantage is that i've built a reputation of sorts over my time here so have somewhere sound to start from. Then it's just a case of getting so popular that seedbanks are demanding your gear, at which point you want to be learning some contract law and enforce either a guaranteed price point or no contract at all. That is rather the kicker, the volume sales go through seedbanks, not the small breeder websites, but to do so, you generally have to accept that they will sell them for what they sell them. The key is to build such the reputation that seedbanks are fying to be able to stock thousands of your beans, but at the same time have the demand so high that they will agree to your contract, and not theirs. If i were to sell beans they would sell at a guaranteed price regardless of genetics, and if a seedbank wanted to charge more, then they simply wouldn't aquire a contract with me. High hopes haha, but my brain works like that, always ponders every step available instead of ust the inital step at hand :D

I would not consider selling anything unless i had thouroughly tested it all out. Every bean i've shipped to date has been a mystery to me, i've not grown a single one out. That's bad business paractice and that's where bad reputations stem from, dodgy gear leaking out.
Haha ttt ill tell ya if there viable lad hurry and ship em over your makin me drool over my phone thinking about the c x br pal gonna be a sight for sure pal i know i ve said it be4 but you got the head to start yourself up pal id b lying if i said it was nt on the cards for myself at a later date and it would nt be for no rip off price either but for the love of growin atm i still have goals of my own to reach but hell yeah i can c myself throwin a few thousand seeds out monthly !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Let me hop it first then there should be all the beans in the world for folk :) While i just toddle along in life doing little of importance, without sounding bigheaded ha, i was always one of the most intelligent people at school and just in general, i just utterly fail to commit to anything unless i see valid merit. I decided i was not going to university at 16 while i was in private school, which did my teachers heads in to no end, and as such i learnt what i wanted to learn and said fuck it to well, msot of it :D geology was to have little to do with my life, so i just took the low stress option to A levels and did just fine anyways :D Once i return from Canada the idea is to startup a a, by damnit a corporation! basically just a handful of alternate trades be it glass blowing or seeds or carpentry or gardening or whatever :)

And remember, i'm finding myself with thousands of seeds with nothing but a pissy little 50cm deep closet, imagine what can be dine if you have the space and the desire to make people happy before making a nifty profit. There is no need for money if you keep the right friends :) that should be what life is about.


Well-Known Member
Let me hop it first then there should be all the beans in the world for folk :) While i just toddle along in life doing little of importance, without sounding bigheaded ha, i was always one of the most intelligent people at school and just in general, i just utterly fail to commit to anything unless i see valid merit. I decided i was not going to university at 16 while i was in private school, which did my teachers heads in to no end, and as such i learnt what i wanted to learn and said fuck it to well, msot of it :D geology was to have little to do with my life, so i just took the low stress option to A levels and did just fine anyways :D Once i return from Canada the idea is to startup a a, by damnit a corporation! basically just a handful of alternate trades be it glass blowing or seeds or carpentry or gardening or whatever :)

And remember, i'm finding myself with thousands of seeds with nothing but a pissy little 50cm deep closet, imagine what can be dine if you have the space and the desire to make people happy before making a nifty profit. There is no need for money if you keep the right friends :) that should be what life is about.
ill fuckin holla to that bro!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've lots of plans on the plate :p ubt to be honest, once i reutrn from canada in a couple of years, glass blowing is my main aim, i loved my course the toher weekend. It's not too bad though, it's all looking like i'll get many a grow going in Canada, once the ski season finishes i fully plan to venture out and try and meet and get to know some of the big outdoor growers and all that lot, just have a good old famous 5 style adventure raar! Or is it more the Secret 7 style?
Hmmmm, quite the adventure to be second guessing which crime squad you'd rather be!


Well-Known Member
I've lots of plans on the plate :p ubt to be honest, once i reutrn from canada in a couple of years, glass blowing is my main aim, i loved my course the toher weekend. It's not too bad though, it's all looking like i'll get many a grow going in Canada, once the ski season finishes i fully plan to venture out and try and meet and get to know some of the big outdoor growers and all that lot, just have a good old famous 5 style adventure raar! Or is it more the Secret 7 style?
Hmmmm, quite the adventure to be second guessing which crime squad you'd rather be!
why limit yourself lad haha the lot would nt go amiss in my book lol!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Get one thing started at a time ;) My plan is a non-plan right now, any business could start firsst, the majority rely on sorting out a way to pay off a £1K a month rent, if i can afford that place, then everything can get going :D


Well-Known Member
Let me hop it first then there should be all the beans in the world for folk :) While i just toddle along in life doing little of importance, without sounding bigheaded ha, i was always one of the most intelligent people at school and just in general, i just utterly fail to commit to anything unless i see valid merit. I decided i was not going to university at 16 while i was in private school, which did my teachers heads in to no end, and as such i learnt what i wanted to learn and said fuck it to well, msot of it :D geology was to have little to do with my life, so i just took the low stress option to A levels and did just fine anyways :D Once i return from Canada the idea is to startup a a, by damnit a corporation! basically just a handful of alternate trades be it glass blowing or seeds or carpentry or gardening or whatever :)

And remember, i'm finding myself with thousands of seeds with nothing but a pissy little 50cm deep closet, imagine what can be dine if you have the space and the desire to make people happy before making a nifty profit. There is no need for money if you keep the right friends :) that should be what life is about.
christ tip you sound like me! its taken me tae almost 40 before ive truly decided tae give the full education thing seriously. unlike you im a working class guy although i was brought up lower middle class; private house, parents had a small business, education was pushed. unfortunately im abit too clever for my own good, i sussed that the ruling classes were at it very young and rebelled heavily, problem here was i used crime as my rebellion....and i wasnt subtle.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah, i take education seriously where i feel it will benefit me. I keep universitry law books in the bathroom. Right now i'm chopping and changing between artemis fowl and his fairy shenanigans, and Human rights and constitutional law. Both are a great read, although the law book just seems to largely express how fucked i would be trying to take on the government in court :lol: win or lose i am determinded to try it one day, i figure that i have a right to get it into court, so regardless of the likelihood of sucess, any publicity is good publicity :D currently taking them up on their legal reasoning to the drug clasification system, because thanks to the present situation, they cannot lawfully claim that they are in place for protection of either the individual or society. My local MP must want to gut me up right good and propper the number of letters i've sent :D


Well-Known Member
Lol i never started crime till i was kicked out the army after serving 4 hard years for smokin puff,funny how things turn out


Active Member
Ah, i take education seriously where i feel it will benefit me. I keep universitry law books in the bathroom. Right now i'm chopping and changing between artemis fowl and his fairy shenanigans, and Human rights and constitutional law. Both are a great read, although the law book just seems to largely express how fucked i would be trying to take on the government in court :lol: win or lose i am determinded to try it one day, i figure that i have a right to get it into court, so regardless of the likelihood of sucess, any publicity is good publicity :D currently taking them up on their legal reasoning to the drug clasification system, because thanks to the present situation, they cannot lawfully claim that they are in place for protection of either the individual or society. My local MP must want to gut me up right good and propper the number of letters i've sent :D
OK my law books give me the opposite feeling: that the nature of the UK's constitution is such that a single lawyer can actually influence UK law for the better. But then again mine don't sit in the toilet accumulating bad Qi. The books I keep in there are all actually doing time for some crime against intelligence.

See, this is why weed exists. To prevent budding potentially world-dominating evil geniuses from getting overly ambitious - all ambition is channeled into legalizing, growing, procuring or smoking the stuff.