The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that is the last time im ever taking valium, im turning into a fuckin nutcase. my recent life has been like an episode of 'Shameless', minus the bum banditry i hasten to add. i swear to god not having the net has meant that ive virtually moved into the pub, my charlie bill is now hitting well into four figures, and there aint no decimal point amongst them, and every cunt that owes me is playin hide and seek, fuckin osama bin laden would be proud of these fuckers. think its time for the big stick....oh and the mrs's thinks its time she should be put first for a change....i informed her tha if i'm ever in charge of a firing squad she most definetly will be.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yo sm4rt coming on good bro, lookin heathy! roll on this weekend. cant wait 2 see the ladies grow quickly, nice root system in there by now ;)

edit - when u settin up a journal mate?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
that is the last time im ever taking valium, im turning into a fuckin nutcase. my recent life has been like an episode of 'Shameless', minus the bum banditry i hasten to add. i swear to god not having the net has meant that ive virtually moved into the pub, my charlie bill is now hitting well into four figures, and there aint no decimal point amongst them, and every cunt that owes me is playin hide and seek, fuckin osama bin laden would be proud of these fuckers. think its time for the big stick....oh and the mrs's thinks its time she should be put first for a change....i informed her tha if i'm ever in charge of a firing squad she most definetly will be.
lol all 2 familiar, gave it all up though been pretty much clean for a couple of years. 3 times or something stupid last year i got on the beans and sniff. dont mind tamazapan or 3 every now and again with a good smoke and film lol


Well-Known Member
i swear i feel lobotomized right now, these fuckin things are just hanging on me. i just counted what i had left and it would appear i manged to swallow around 40 in the last couple of days. thats me finished for a bit, i've just started my new grow(2 weeks or so germ'd from seeds, 5 trainwreck, moby dick and hash plant haze(?)) and ive promised myself to stay totally and i do me totally clean till they're ready for the chop, so that gives me around 12 weeks or so to pay my debts and regrow part of my liver, and then its festival season, so then its spastic summer and then save up for xmas......well thats the plan but i doubt if you'd find a bookie in britain that would give you odds on me managing it.


Well-Known Member
Three men had a very late night drinking Guiness.

They left in the early morning hours and each went to their home. The next day, they all met for an early pint, and compared notes about who was drunker the night before.

The first guy claims that he was the drunkest, saying, "I drove straight home and walked into the house. As soon as I got through the door, I blew chunks."

The second guy said, "You think that was drunk? Hell, I got into my car and wrapped it around the first tree I saw. And I don't even have insurance!"

The third guy proclaimed, "Damn, I was the drunkest by far. When I got home, I got into a big fight with my wife, knocked a candle over, and burned the whole house down!"

The room was silent for a moment.

Then, the first guy spoke out again, "Listen, guys, I don't think you understand...

Chunks is my dog."


Active Member
yo sm4rt coming on good bro, lookin heathy! roll on this weekend. cant wait 2 see the ladies grow quickly, nice root system in there by now ;)

edit - when u settin up a journal mate?

Thanks Fingerez, cant wait for the weekend myself, gonna be like a kid at christmas... n the journal im not sure about lol, i may set one up when i get my kit on friday, show of my goodies lol


Active Member
we all had/have humble beginings mate, dont be shy! this one is gonna be ur best one yet i recon ;)
I'm hoping so mate, come saturday i will have more gear in my grow room than i've ever had... last grow i had was cfl's for veg n grow n pc fans for intake and extraction, n that was about it lol.. hopin for a good yield on this one... Happy Days


Active Member
Hey folks, bit of a Q for u

Topping... I read somewhere to get 4 main colas you need to top after the second true node when the plant has 5 or 6 nodes

Is the top classed at the 6th or 5th node, im not sure about the node with the cotyledons on, and if it's ready to be topped at which node and how high above it should i slice, and do i need to do anything to it after topping

Also as this one is the healthier of the 2 (Olivia) should i top this one or leave her be and top Lily, im only topping one and lettin the other grow as normal... Pics of both



one last thing, after topping how long is it b4 u can put into veg, i do plan on veging for a few more week yet, only into the 2nd week of veg so far

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I saw this guy in an Italian restaurant ordering pizza in fluent Italian. The waiter seemed to appreciate his willingness to accept their culture.

So, I tried the same thing in our local Chinese restaurant.

I squinted my eyes and shouted, "Harro! Spesha frah raice prease!" But instead of showing appreciation, they took the upturned prawn-cracker basket from my head and told me to get out.


Well-Known Member
i'm tellin u this sobering up shit is really doing my head in, i think ive been at it that long that the booze is actually in my system at a cellular level, and btw the jokes i post arent usually my own theyre usually text jokes from friends or some of the more 'acceptable' ones from sickapedia. just thot i'd tell yooz that in case anyone was thinking i was passing them off as my own..... the stories i tell unfortunately are true....hehehe ive just realised that iv got a hundred quid in my wallet and the mrs's thinks im going to the dr's to get my anti booze pills(dysulferam, or however u spell the fucker) any one wanta place bets on whether i make it home tonite. i can see a blitzer on the horizon. once again the car crash that is my life picks up speed and mounts the pavement, hope i run over a celtic fan or a fuckin news presenter(that weird accent thing really fucks me off, where DO these people learn to speak like that, was there a 'wanky accent' class in the language department at school that i missed. i want my news stories read out by scousers , it would make the robbery/mugging stories so much more realistic. and the assault stories by scots, any funny animal stories i think we can leave to the welsh.


Well-Known Member
My wife was really excited when I told her I'd just bought her the new Fiesta.
She soon changed her mind when she saw her tits in Readers' Wives.


Well-Known Member
I saw this guy in an Italian restaurant ordering pizza in fluent Italian. The waiter seemed to appreciate his willingness to accept their culture.

So, I tried the same thing in our local Chinese restaurant.

I squinted my eyes and shouted, "Harro! Spesha frah raice prease!" But instead of showing appreciation, they took the upturned prawn-cracker basket from my head and told me to get out.
Fucking HIlarious hahahaha

Ill try it next time :)


Active Member
I saw this guy in an Italian restaurant ordering pizza in fluent Italian. The waiter seemed to appreciate his willingness to accept their culture.

So, I tried the same thing in our local Chinese restaurant.

I squinted my eyes and shouted, "Harro! Spesha frah raice prease!" But instead of showing appreciation, they took the upturned prawn-cracker basket from my head and told me to get out.

Literally spat my tea all over the monitor... thanks

It is good to have u back Dura


Well-Known Member
When asked if he prefered legs or breasts Paddy said he had a paticular fondness for shaved fannies.

He was then informed that this wasn't a option when choosing a KFC bargin bucket.


Well-Known Member
Another thing lads,



So yeah if you go to amsterdam, a normal envelope, a standard stamp and a birthday card is all thats needed.