The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
remember u guys who is on beneift ther rollijng out the cold wetehr payments only 50 qwid but wats free is free rite!:)
go here enter your postcde see if your going to get one

ONLY PEOPLE ON BENEFITS AND OVER 50 (soo TTT expekt yours u old fart no get on yer rock!).I.E--INCOME suport--disbailty ect im noy sure if it covers jobseekers

and with the 120 going on lekki key end of feb wat a lovely freebie month,well not free but been given 170 qwid is always nice

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well no, what's free is not free, it eventually comes back to you in the form of more expensive services and price tags due to the recession caused by unmanagable government debts. the government is completely clueless when it comes to benefits, they're trying to change family allowance stuff whatever it is called so that it makes more financial sense for parents just to take the dole instead of trying to up their working hours. I do not really know much about benefits and such to be honesst, i flat refuse to accept a penny from the government, but what i do know is that it seems to make no sense, they tax poor people on their incomes, and then pay it abck in the form of benefits, why not just change the tax system and just not tax them in the first place Who knows lol.

You tempted me so, i went to co-op and filled my basket with tyskie, i could have sworn it used to be 6%+, seems it's just 5.6%, better than nothing but please sir, can i have some more? I remember reading about ome scottish brewers that were producing 25% alcohol beers :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cool cool dude, good to hear :) I'm in the last week of my final grow and i will admit it seems very strange and a bit sad not to have anything going in there afterwards, it'll e strange to have a cupboard that is once again a cupboard, it's been a while lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
BSB/Caseyband. I've yet to make my choice on when i'm leaving, ideally as soon as is possible but i have to be sensible in booking my flights, doesn'tmake much sense to arrive middle of the ski season, else means i then have to return to the UK i the middle of a ski season, so it could possbily be that i have time to do a quick 12/12 from seed run, but i do like the idea of some peace and quiet, especially given that there's a new flatmate arriving in 3 weeks or so. I'm qute liking the idea of not haing to be sneaky and stealhty :D


Well-Known Member
Ow well lads im off tomoz hope ya all play nicely till in back haha no drama without me aload ya no that lol ttt your in charge pukka keep sambs on his best behaviour ukrg sort ya foot out ya fuckin cripple and unlucky i hope to see bigger things from u lmfao if its not possible to do these things peeps ill forgive u i know us english are fuckin crackers haha


Well-Known Member
Ow well lads im off tomoz hope ya all play nicely till in back haha no drama without me aload ya no that lol ttt your in charge pukka keep sambs on his best behaviour ukrg sort ya foot out ya fuckin cripple and unlucky i hope to see bigger things from u lmfao if its not possible to do these things peeps ill forgive u i know us english are fuckin crackers haha

lol i will try my best cheddar1985,where you off to ;-)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd love to live in the sea, i could make friends with a whale and we could live in a sunken pirate ship. That would show global warming.