The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Im just in from work...going to watch that US series called Luck wae Dustin Hoffman. Looks good. U still trapped in the 80's Dura. lol(or are u on the sauce)


Well-Known Member
Haha trash it cataract wtf is wrong with the borin ol fuck faces today then nothin new rand these ways ya borin mugs ill gett sum monster veg pics on for you all laters avin to feed the cunts everyday know haha good job there is only a few of em this round lmfao runnin 3x600s already wont b long till i change the bulbs for fresh fuckers and hit em with the 5x600s the slh is still bein a tight bitch with the nodes and the psychosis is well and truely under wraps with the suppercropin ive done to the fucker lol she must av over 100 knuckles on her and tbh its bein a bitch to keep her tidy !! any1 know wot the longest any1 has vegged in 6litre airpots ? Think the slh psychosis and 2 of the exos would of had 6 weeks veg by next friday and ill be flippin if all is well and i think the rest is ready just hope i dont av to repot the 1s that av had 6weeks veg into bigger standard pots so if any1 knows if they are good enough????
What do you mean by reliable, why wouldn't they be?
Buying grow equipment and even Cannabis seeds in England is completely legal, just because you buy equipment to grow "plants" indoors does NOT necessarily mean said plants are illegal. This is not America!

You can buy Cannabis seeds with no problems, once you germinate said seeds then it becomes illegal.
Hi! Thanks for the input. :D:D:D
What I meant by reliable was if they send what you paid for. And yes, I know it is legal to grow "plants" and buy cannabis seeds but that doesn't mean there aren't pirate websites that take orders but never send anything. That's why I asked if anyone had experience with them. I thought it was obvious what I meant, since there are shitload of topics everywhere about seedbanks as well, which one of them is "reliable" and which one is not. Was it clear this time? :)))) Happy growing everyone!


Well-Known Member
Haha trash it cataract wtf is wrong with the borin ol fuck faces today then nothin new rand these ways ya borin mugs ill gett sum monster veg pics on for you all laters avin to feed the cunts everyday know haha good job there is only a few of em this round lmfao runnin 3x600s already wont b long till i change the bulbs for fresh fuckers and hit em with the 5x600s the slh is still bein a tight bitch with the nodes and the psychosis is well and truely under wraps with the suppercropin ive done to the fucker lol she must av over 100 knuckles on her and tbh its bein a bitch to keep her tidy !! any1 know wot the longest any1 has vegged in 6litre airpots ? Think the slh psychosis and 2 of the exos would of had 6 weeks veg by next friday and ill be flippin if all is well and i think the rest is ready just hope i dont av to repot the 1s that av had 6weeks veg into bigger standard pots so if any1 knows if they are good enough????
Fuck knows mate. I have my own site to look after and just here for a little time out.


Well-Known Member
Lol cataract get the fuck outta here wot sort of responce was that ya fuckin numpty lol!!
how are yer TTT beans going dude?
mine actually looking nice now,,stil young but nice il get sum pics up later

no point in adding to journal as its no longer ther and fuk making another prolly get delted again

my old id stil about with 1k+ posts so fuk knows wat ther playing at :)


Well-Known Member
how are yer TTT beans going dude?
mine actually looking nice now,,stil young but nice il get sum pics up later

no point in adding to journal as its no longer ther and fuk making another prolly get delted again

my old id stil about with 1k+ posts so fuk knows wat ther playing at :)
2 accounts ?????