The UK Growers Thread!

lol if u cant give an answer you know things are goin well, or bad lol, but im guessing with your cheese its well lol

rule of thumb with me is things are NEVER going well :) and no, the cheese really isn't doing much of anything for some head in face time. this was the freaky one, and still needs curing, but it's not getting me gonzoed
alright mate i am seriously buzzing went a bit overkill on it loli think i'm gonna do that with the lot now, they should be ok i think it'll take a bit more stress than that hopefully mine went off on wk 2 i left them in the dark for a few mins to let the bulbs cool a little and worried for a day or 2 but seems ok so far, i'm off to feed mine now i think i'm gonna put just 1g-5L of the shooting powder in with the burn what you reckon mate or should i just skip it all together i was convinced in sticking that amount in but now after a burn i'm thing maybe just leave it

lol thats shits strong hay m8 lol ive smoked it a fair few times and it fucks me up, im stoned myself but nuffing like smoking that stuff if youve got loads of trim be really gentle when you siv it just siv a new pinch full every couple of shakes that way you only get left with the purest stuff.

as for the shooting powder ive never tried, but nute burn is not a good thing you can kill a plant if its bad enough and to show signs of burn thats signs of stress and stress aint a good thing for the plant at the stage your in that just imo tho m8 im no expert.
TYTY lol, yeah its good to have a job which isnt dependant on the construction industry picking up sometime soon... wish i had a joint to celebrate with, hows the trim dust smoking?
The aerowing was ok once i ditched the instructions lol, i just need some heat resistant silicone to seal it good n propper and 125 to 100 duct convertor as i didnt realise it had 125mm vents on, but part from that its no bad.[

is it just the ducting pipes that needs jointing mate?it looks like a good peice of equipment mate i've been giving some thought to them for the next spot to help with temps and that sived stuff is strong i'm gonna sive the lot i think mate i'm feeling pretty stoned
rule of thumb with me is things are NEVER going well :) and no, the cheese really isn't doing much of anything for some head in face time. this was the freaky one, and still needs curing, but it's not getting me gonzoed

lol i thought u was joking? maybe you just need to cure it like u said, ive never smoked a bad joint of that strain but ive never grown it either.
rule of thumb with me is things are NEVER going well :) and no, the cheese really isn't doing much of anything for some head in face time. this was the freaky one, and still needs curing, but it's not getting me gonzoed

lol maybe your just climatized to it, smokers peril lol
lol thats shits strong hay m8 lol ive smoked it a fair few times and it fucks me up, im stoned myself but nuffing like smoking that stuff if youve got loads of trim be really gentle when you siv it just siv a new pinch full every couple of shakes that way you only get left with the purest stuff.

as for the shooting powder ive never tried, but nute burn is not a good thing you can kill a plant if its bad enough and to show signs of burn thats signs of stress and stress aint a good thing for the plant at the stage your in that just imo tho m8 im no expert.

cheers mate that's what i was thinking i'll leave it out this feed, i picked up 3 sives mate down asda for about 3.50 i think 2 large fine 1's and a little tea strainer for the joints i'm thinking of making a little butter with what i get off mine aftre you wrote that description down for me off to feed the plants
im stoned m8 so i wont be too technical and copy paste sumfing off google lol fink chick with a dick??? its a plant thats a male/female so u got buds and seeds!
is it just the ducting pipes that needs jointing mate?it looks like a good peice of equipment mate i've been giving some thought to them for the next spot to help with temps and that sived stuff is strong i'm gonna sive the lot i think mate i'm feeling pretty stoned

yeah mate, the ends of the reflector are 125mm n everything else i have is 100mm, so i just need 2 x 125 to 100mm convertors, but i can get them from B&Q in the morn, so alls well lol
only if you stop SHOUTING lol

ok,hows that,sorry about old chap.thanks for that info.i had noticed some male flowers on them and picked them off straight away last week.could this happen to any strain or is it cause they is low ryders or is it something to do with grow room is in my workshop,on 12/12 at mo with the light on in the night time and off during the day when the temp falls to 10-11c in there.....cheers;-)
picture attached of setup:lol:


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ok,hows that,sorry about old chap.thanks for that info.i had noticed some male flowers on them and picked them off straight away last week.could this happen to any strain or is it cause they is low ryders or is it something to do with grow room is in my workshop,on 12/12 at mo with the light on in the night time and off during the day when the temp falls to 10-11c in there.....cheers;-)
picture attached of setup:lol:

Hey sticky

How long you had them on 12/12 and do u have more room for them, they gettin abit to close to that CFL, while u can have the cfl close they gonna need a bit more room while they flower... also is it light proof, if they are sleeping through the day and light gets to them they will turn them hermie.
Hey sticky

How long you had them on 12/12 and do u have more room for them, they gettin abit to close to that CFL, while u can have the cfl close they gonna need a bit more room while they flower... also is it light proof, if they are sleeping through the day and light gets to them they will turn them hermie.

been on 12/12 for 12 days now,the 3 on the left arent low ryders,but the ones on the right are.the non LR`s are now tied down and trained which gives them alot more room for time i wont make the mistake,i will just do LR`s and yes ,its totally light proof in there when they are sleeping,even put seal room the door.......sticky
been on 12/12 for 12 days now,the 3 on the left arent low ryders,but the ones on the right are.the non LR`s are now tied down and trained which gives them alot more room for time i wont make the mistake,i will just do LR`s and yes ,its totally light proof in there when they are sleeping,even put seal room the door.......sticky


*Caps are cruise controll, its the way we role*

ok,hows that,sorry about old chap.thanks for that info.i had noticed some male flowers on them and picked them off straight away last week.could this happen to any strain or is it cause they is low ryders or is it something to do with grow room is in my workshop,on 12/12 at mo with the light on in the night time and off during the day when the temp falls to 10-11c in there.....cheers;-)
picture attached of setup:lol:

thats better stinky, sorry you just carnt resist when some1 posts in caps lol sounds like ya night temps are getting way tooo low your looking for 75 when lights are on 65 when they are off thats optimum but the closer you get too that the bettter.

also them autos lowdrder is an auto isnt it? if you stress them are prone to going hermi thats what ive read neway i personally wouldnt waste my time with them but understand that people have different circumstances.

also if you got plants going hermi in the same room as other females you can bet 99% they will get pollinated.
thats better stinky, sorry you just carnt resist when some1 posts in caps lol sounds like ya night temps are getting way tooo low your looking for 75 when lights are on 65 when they are off thats optimum but the closer you get too that the bettter.

also them autos lowdrder is an auto isnt it? if you stress them are prone to going hermi thats what ive read neway i personally wouldnt waste my time with them but understand that people have different circumstances.

also if you got plants going hermi in the same room as other females you can bet 99% they will get pollinated.

iam hoping that i caught them in time before any damage was for the the temps,ive got no control over the temp in the day,typical we `ve had the coldest winter for 30 yrs,but light on temps are around 23-24.i even have the fan turn off an hour before the lights so it heats it up nicely for an hour.thanks for all the advice guys:-P
iam hoping that i caught them in time before any damage was for the the temps,ive got no control over the temp in the day,typical we `ve had the coldest winter for 30 yrs,but light on temps are around 23-24.i even have the fan turn off an hour before the lights so it heats it up nicely for an hour.thanks for all the advice guys:-P

daytime temps dont sound too bad but thats to low for the night have you tried heater in the room? if you not doing nefing else wrong you can be pretty shore that the cold and the big drop in temperature is whats stressing the plants out and making them go hermi.
good news about the connectors mate i was thinking of the best way to join them but buying them's definately a better option oh well gave me something to think about for 5 lol how the mind wanders while being stoned uh, i was just having a look at mine i'm defo gonna have to double harvest theirs tiny little buds every where underneath what do you guys think is it worth waiting for the extra few weeks for those little buds because that light could be used to cover an area and start the next flower cycle?
good news about the connectors mate i was thinking of the best way to join them but buying them's definately a better option oh well gave me something to think about for 5 lol how the mind wanders while being stoned uh, i was just having a look at mine i'm defo gonna have to double harvest theirs tiny little buds every where underneath what do you guys think is it worth waiting for the extra few weeks for those little buds because that light could be used to cover an area and start the next flower cycle?

lol cant beat the wandering mind when u had a smoke, its when the best thinking is done... not sure about a double harvest, not read much on them, i know people do them though, i think best n easiest way would be to put a CFL or 2 underneath as uplighting, i think Rasclot did that and got some monsterous yields.