The UK Growers Thread!


Undercover Mod
As long as this is in my section it is under my Mod power.

If you would all like I'll move you to a different section and you will never see me again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As long as this is in my section it is under my Mod power.

If you would all like I'll move you to a different section and you will never see me again.
One would think that a moderator's job was to make sure that a thread is in it's correct location, not move it around for hi own reasons... INTEGRITY, FUCK YEAH!


Well-Known Member
One would think that a moderator's job was to make sure that a thread is in it's correct location, not move it around for hi own reasons... INTEGRITY, FUCK YEAH!
hwl prolly move it to sum lame ass gay section to try make us look idyots!
and why type Mods wih a capital m thats the kinda shit that fucked me of at kevs site taling in caps all lord like ffs


Well-Known Member
lol, balzac. as billy said we dont really need mod'd in here. we are all big boys and can deal with this stuff ourselves. i understand youve recieved a complaint and have to approach us and remin us of the rules, so thats been done. the clown in question was an absolute spunk bubble and he'd already been banned under a different name , yes? so do you really want to defend a known asshole , who made threats and subsequewntly runs off and tells tsles??? doesnt seem like the kinda cunt id bother a fuck about myself. and tbh most americans just dont get our sense of humour, its much more blunt and aggressive, but we like it and this is OUR thread. we made it we police it we like it. that guy just didnt fit in. ...and fuck me even im gettin involved and it takes a fuckin shit load to annoy me....the rules that are applied to riu arent really required in the uk thread...its adifferent appraoch and philosophy in here

W Dragon

Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by W Dragon
    seems there's gonna be a few pulled up for harassment then, as long as he keeps showing up we will warn others about him!!! also talking about sigs are you gonna chase down everybody that has quoted some stupid shit someone has said? the snide comments? and everything in the sigs that may upset someone? and now most know him for what he is you will have your hands full and will have to follow him around warning lots of others and then also be sure to do the same to all the others on here including the mods especially if something as trivial as this gains mod attention.
    looks like he's been grassing again lads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so will the above questions be inforced then? because you're going to be very busy if that is the case and I would also like to hear some justification for defending a grass as threatening someone with grassing is also threatening their freedom!!!​



Well-Known Member
Listen balsac I dont mind u moddin in here but what exactly is the problem. Cataract is a grass, tell him never to come on here again and its problem solved. Why u back, thought u were gone for good


Well-Known Member
lol, balzac. as billy said we dont really need mod'd in here. we are all big boys and can deal with this stuff ourselves. i understand youve recieved a complaint and have to approach us and remin us of the rules, so thats been done. the clown in question was an absolute spunk bubble and he'd already been banned under a different name , yes? so do you really want to defend a known asshole , who made threats and subsequewntly runs off and tells tsles??? doesnt seem like the kinda cunt id bother a fuck about myself. and tbh most americans just dont get our sense of humour, its much more blunt and aggressive, but we like it and this is OUR thread. we made it we police it we like it. that guy just didnt fit in. ...and fuck me even im gettin involved and it takes a fuckin shit load to annoy me....the rules that are applied to riu arent really required in the uk thread...its adifferent appraoch and philosophy in here
He's been banned under a shitload of names as well, and probably has a shitload more! He's been stalking and threatening me for almost 3 years now. Be careful of that fucker!:fire:


Undercover Mod
Listen balsac I dont mind u moddin in here but what exactly is the problem. Cataract is a grass, tell him never to come on here again and its problem solved. Why u back, thought u were gone for good
I had some family issues I had to deal with. I was only gone about a month. I thought it was gonna be alot longer.

Say as you please fellas you are no longer under my power.

I'm sure Potroast will enjoy this when hes on this evening.


Undercover Mod
I don't like being harassed just for enforcing rules that no one else see's fit to enforce.

I'm sorry if I stepped on anyones toes, but I would stand up for you guys just like anyone else.


Well-Known Member
ok lads what site are we all goin to if we get kicked . rattle sum out now and lets take a vote, ah canny be fucked wae this pish ony fuckin motrre...too many fuckin yanks anyway and the cunts dont know how tae fuckin sort anythin out.


Well-Known Member
ok lads what site are we all goin to if we get kicked . rattle sum out now and lets take a vote, ah canny be fucked wae this pish ony fuckin motrre...too many fuckin yanks anyway and the cunts dont know how tae fuckin sort anythin out.

well g/city u cant talk in red and if its not to the point u can talk about it so not weed related ur screwed lol

then thers the site i made for him lol
or could whip a site up in no time


Well-Known Member
ok lads what site are we all goin to if we get kicked . rattle sum out now and lets take a vote, ah canny be fucked wae this pish ony fuckin motrre...too many fuckin yanks anyway and the cunts dont know how tae fuckin sort anythin out.
Damn! Easy bro, we aren't all daft cunts! lmfao!!!! Look, I feel your pain, but there's no need to go elsewhere. Some of us "Yanks" love you kilt wearin', bagpipe playin', haggis eatin' mofos, in spite of the fact that one of your own countrymen is a grass!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I had some family issues I had to deal with. I was only gone about a month. I thought it was gonna be alot longer.

Say as you please fellas you are no longer under my power.

I'm sure Potroast will enjoy this when hes on this evening.
hopefully he will ask himself why you were stupid enough to come on here threaten to close the thread defending a previously banned member that was banned for making threats and has been called out for the same offence??? If you were really doing your job you would have banned him again but you didn't you defended him and then made threats yourself, maybe you should think about what you type and how you phrase things whilst making a double standard. and you still haven't answered the questions I asked? I'm wondering if your going to be doing YOUR job at every opportunity presented to you? or just in this thread with your awsome mod powers.


Well-Known Member
christ man this is a chat and weed area, always has been..sum of the biggest posters are in here. sumcunt re-name the bloody thread uk growers only..and no cunts.( we make an exception for sambo and billy)