The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
yeah ttt 38/40 :P happy with that man! and yeah this is like my 4th xbox, I always sell em then regret it pmsl.
i need to go out for a long treck soon and find some ideal spots, ahh the joys!


Well-Known Member
were you here.........................................[video=youtube;lxnglDLhSXU][/video]


Active Member
hi guys, im after some advice, im about to germinate my seeds but bit confused as I dont know if i need to turn light on when germinating in rockwool


Well-Known Member
Much prefer a kick arse PC over any console. My beans go straight into rockwool which has been soaked in a weak nute solution then under tubes where they stay a few weeks before going under a MH. Afternoon all, watching all the lord of the rings today as ive got the house to myself.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, im after some advice, im about to germinate my seeds but bit confused as I dont know if i need to turn light on when germinating in rockwool
wen u get tails while in tissue,get sum rockwool cubes and soakl themin ph water for a hr or 3 then sqweeze them out so ther stil wet but not driopping
cut a slice across deepnough fro your been,put in your been,but them LOW under a 18-6 low powered light in a prop box just sit the light on top as low as youcan or they will stretch to fuk


Active Member
Much prefer a kick arse PC over any console. My beans go straight into rockwool which has been soaked in a weak nute solution then under tubes where they stay a few weeks before going under a MH. Afternoon all, watching all the lord of the rings today as ive got the house to myself.
ok do you turn light on when you put into rockwool? heres what stage im at, rockwool cubes been soaking in plain ph 5.3 water for aprox 16 hours, my seeds are still in packaging, do you think i can take seeds straight out of packaging then into rockwool into propergator with light on 18/6 or do i need to have light on 24/0 or not at all untill seed has sprouted from top of rockwool?


Active Member
wen u get tails while in tissue,get sum rockwool cubes and soakl themin ph water for a hr or 3 then sqweeze them out so ther stil wet but not driopping
cut a slice across deepnough fro your been,put in your been,but them LOW under a 18-6 low powered light in a prop box just sit the light on top as low as youcan or they will stretch to fuk
I dont wanna use tissue method, heard it can damage the white tail when transporting into rockwool or other medium, dont know hoe true this is but was bit worried about it


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate, my beans go straight into the rockwool then under lights (tubes). I leave my tubes on 24/0, i dont use a prop for seeds just cuts. I leave the light on 24/0 until they sprout then go 18/6.


Active Member
Wotcher boys, forum a bit sleepy today?

Fuckinell it's Sunday. I thought it was Monday. I've gained a whole extra day!

I'm going back to bed...