The UK Growers Thread!

how safe is it to show the pics on this of ur grow room and all the progress

well she's been going for a few months now but it's just a cloning tent so teeny, and i'm lazy so decided just to let her grow where the hell she likes heat burn be damned :P too many available cuttings to give a hoot (had two, binned one mother yesterday, so it was mega cramped)
40 to 60 a quarter, sum doin 1 gram for a tenner, oz's for £160 to £200. thats south west scotland prices.
oh and most people do post pics on here mate just keep ur face outta of them and anythin else u think may be obvious.
Having read about the two boys who died from snorting mephedrone I couldn't help but think to myself, "What kind of fucking idiot willingly puts plant fertilizer up their nose?"

I'm sticking to ketamine; at least that's been tested on horses.
Young girl was playing near her house in Pakistan, when she noticed many people coming her way. She yelled, 'mum, a crowd of men is coming'
Her mom quickly replied, 'come home this instant'
Girl replied, 'mum they are army people'
Mom: 'Bring your brother in as well'
Girl: 'Mum it's Pakistan Army'
Mum: 'for fuck sake, bring the goats inside too'
well she's been going for a few months now but it's just a cloning tent so teeny, and i'm lazy so decided just to let her grow where the hell she likes heat burn be damned :P too many available cuttings to give a hoot (had two, binned one mother yesterday, so it was mega cramped)
gd set up dose it cost a lot am looking to spend around 3 to 400 to set up a grow room
iv got space of 13 foot long 4 and a half ft deep and 8 ft tall but at 1st only use 5 ft of the 13 ft space at 1st and after a bit of exp use the 13 ft should that be enough cash
realistically my flowering cab is about £400-500, but i've spent lots making mistakes and such (i don't bother returning things :P) and the vegging tent maybe £200, that was an afterthought.

i plan on splashing out on a new 600w digital HPS soon.

depth has been my real failing, my flowering cabinet is only 2foot wide so i can't easily make use of all the potential the lighting footprint can offer and have to hope that the mylar does it's job propperly. also means it's a bitch trying to move them around for watering. i normally have to take them all out to do a full water, it can be a pain. hence my move to DWC
probably cheeper in the larger housing schemes in the bigger cities coz more growers and higher targetting area for the big vietnamese growing gangs although i guesss quality is gaunna be fuckin hard to judge, round my way smallish towns, all individual growers just selling excess really so quality is reasonable unlesss u gott a middle man thats throwing loads stalks in.
probably cheeper in the larger housing schemes in the bigger cities coz more growers and higher targetting area for the big vietnamese growing gangs although i guesss quality is gaunna be fuckin hard to judge, round my way smallish towns, all individual growers just selling excess really so quality is reasonable unlesss u gott a middle man thats throwing loads stalks in.
who wants to buy the vietnamese stuff its crap i dont bye green unless i know were its came from vmese bud next time u get a bit put it in a glass of water for a few hours and watch the water go black wae chemicals
yeah i know full of ground up glass and sprayed with latex and shit to up the weight, tears the throat outta u, dont wanna sound like nick griffin but i wouldnt trust any of the little like the food though, but to be honest and this will sound racist but if it offends anyone then fuckin tough shit, i dont buy unless its from white guys, whether we like it or not theres still a tribal thing goin on with all the races, maybe different in others experience but i'll stick to who i know. maybe if i was sittin wi a lotta black or asian guys and got to know them it would be a different matter but fuck gettin ripped off .......or worse .
i used to get aff the africans and it was gd shit but most of the best stuff i get now comes from the white man it seems some peps i know have a gd wae of doing it and it works brill in the last 2 months or so iv smoked all sorts of gd shit rite from my front door
to be honest its all a business and if its no ur mates then its always gonna have risk attached, i mean i punt predominatly to my mates but if it its a stranger then although i dont try to rip them off i dont give out freebies or watch the scales just as closely if u know what i mean....its just a cash transaction.
just watching a documentary, i liikes them, and to be hoinest i never knew what soapbar was other than shiteeee. bloody heel though. that is just crazy. who the fuck would smoke that stuff???
just watching a documentary, i liikes them, and to be hoinest i never knew what soapbar was other than shiteeee. bloody heel though. that is just crazy. who the fuck would smoke that stuff???
iused to cos it was cheap but this dry up were having changed the way i smoke al never go back to soap bar
smoking soft black just now and had some of that morocann bonde was kickin about that was nice i hope soapbar never comes back
gd bye to soapbar:finger:
just watching a documentary, i liikes them, and to be hoinest i never knew what soapbar was other than shiteeee. bloody heel though. that is just crazy. who the fuck would smoke that stuff???

one of the hook ups i know of often gets what he calls pollen in. He thinks its the shit, but i just think its shit, I told him there was no way I would smoke any kind of extraction unless it was proper bubble hash or hash oil.
to be honest its all a business and if its no ur mates then its always gonna have risk attached, i mean i punt predominatly to my mates but if it its a stranger then although i dont try to rip them off i dont give out freebies or watch the scales just as closely if u know what i mean....its just a cash transaction.
if i do it its all about the smoke no the cash
listen to me if i do it of corse iwill lol
dura have u bn growin 4 a while