The UK Growers Thread!

there is far too much "sauce" in a can of heinz spaghetti.

You can get some nice maple syrup, tesco's finest is pretty good.

I don't really shop at aldi.
I don't particularly like any of Heinz canned stuff cuz the sauce always just tastes like their ketchup to me...
We don't shop at Aldi either, I just saw that they had maple syrup and they are closer to us than a Tesco is as far as I know
Dark stuff tastes horrid! Work is sooooo dull I'm bored out of my skull! And out of tea bags :( I seriously hope we can get a bag 'o' green tonight. I'm thinking we might order seeds tonight too if I do go to b&q, I hope our light arrives soon, I msgd the guy Earlier to see when it's getting shipped.
I think we should get our soil and nutes from that one nursery instead of b&q... unless you are just talking about pots and such. I think you should close up shop and come home early :)
We can check out the garden places on Saturday then, I need soil and pots for the lilly tree bulbs that got here today too tho. I will close up as soon as the dutchman has been and come home.
We can check out the garden places on Saturday then, I need soil and pots for the lilly tree bulbs that got here today too tho. I will close up as soon as the dutchman has been and come home.
Or maybe Wed, don't we have to go in to get your arm checked out? What's wrong with the pots and soil we have in the house currently? Yay, I hope he gets there soon!
Or maybe Wed, don't we have to go in to get your arm checked out? What's wrong with the pots and soil we have in the house currently? Yay, I hope he gets there soon!

It's a tree, gonna need a huge pot :p I suppose I could start them in small then re-pot later. I just got a msg on eBay, light should be here Thursday, he requested I don't leave feedback because of "the nature of the item" clearly know he wasn't growing tomatoes with it!
It's a tree, gonna need a huge pot :p I suppose I could start them in small then re-pot later. I just got a msg on eBay, light should be here Thursday, he requested I don't leave feedback because of "the nature of the item" clearly know he wasn't growing tomatoes with it!
Whatever you like :-p He sounds just a bit paranoid haha
i put my teaspoons of treeaclw into measuring jug and add boiling water, stir till its dissolved and add to buckets of water/nutes mix, then just water/feed as normal.
hey guys if your going to b n q might wanna have a look at their buckets they got the orange 1's for a pound just drill holes the closest pot size to the buckets in my b n q are £7 each i'm pretty sure the buckets are 3-4 gal they hold my plants great and they are at about 3 1/2- 4ft tall and a couple of ft wide
oh yeah just had a deal at my local hydro store 2 bags of bio-bizz soil 1 100L of chunky perlite and a bottle of clonex (small) £40 the lot
hey guys if your going to b n q might wanna have a look at their buckets they got the orange 1's for a pound just drill holes the closest pot size to the buckets in my b n q are £7 each i'm pretty sure the buckets are 3-4 gal they hold my plants great and they are at about 3 1/2- 4ft tall and a couple of ft wide
Hmm that sounds pretty good for RiffiX lily trees, not sure if he had something specific in mind for it
Hmm that sounds pretty good for RiffiX lily trees, not sure if he had something specific in mind for it

their cheap and do the job love how's the food poisoning going? if you got an asda close their selling the same buckets in black for 75p i spent 2 days looking for cheap decent pots and had no luck but i haven't got much in the way of good garden centers down here the 1's i have got don't even sell much in the way of plant food i couldn't find 1 complete food even combing the different brands :wall:
went with bio-bizz in the end
their cheap and do the job love how's the food poisoning going? if you got an asda close their selling the same buckets in black for 75p i spent 2 days looking for cheap decent pots and had no luck but i haven't got much in the way of good garden centers down here the 1's i have got don't even sell much in the way of plant food i couldn't find 1 complete food even combing the different brands :wall:
went with bio-bizz in the end
Haha, well I don't think it's actual food poisoning, tho RiffiX did try to feed us some very bloody steaks last night! Not doing too bad, just have a bit of a bad head and no appetite, I'm sure I'll feel tip top once he gets home with some green! We do have an ASDA nearby, might have to pop down for a look. We haven't been in awhile cuz we've gotten into ordering our food online, but it's so nice to do! We've got a few nice nurseries around here, but we haven't been through them yet so I'm anxious to see what sort of nice stuff we can get
i paid around 6 quid each for 3gallon pots but ended up using black buckets i'd gotta hold of coz i'd run out of pots , just drilled sum holes in the arse and used the lil trays from b & q( about 1.50). cant see them being any different from usual pots, i'm not really into spending cash if i can avoid it!!
my flatmate appears to maybe want a speaker fight. that or he's just happy after a night with his bird. or mmaybe he's trying to have a speaker fight? retaliate! rar!

Hey ho, thats the way we go Techno....

How's the UK contigancy of the RIU massive today/tonight/this evening.

So Q for the XBOX 360 users.... COD modern warefare 2 or the new Battlefied one, pay day soon, time for some new bloodshed... any1 played either or ither, neither or nither.
played single player of both. prefered bad company 2. havn't played multiplayer of either but if you can fly an apache, then chances are thats the game you want to buy!
played single player of both. prefered bad company 2. havn't played multiplayer of either but if you can fly an apache, then chances are thats the game you want to buy!

lol Apache Flying lessons have never really been on my todo list, but now u have mentioned it, its summat i would like to do lol

i thought the single player of mw 2 ended really suddenly.

I think the COD MW 1 ended rather quickly and abruptly, but i did enjoy playin it, not a mad gamer as such but i enjoyed it, loved the gunship level.

Think i may spend some time in Game playin both versions, see which i like better.