The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i havent heared about fly agaric for years. i never took any myself but i head of them from a mate. hes a bit of a bull shitter so i didnt believe too much of what he said. the day he told me about the twin towers was funny, he said a planes gone into 1 of the twin towers. i said oh right, i was thinking lying cunt. then he said a planes gone into the other tower and i just started laughing at him asking how thick he thought i was lmao

I've never done any either but i know you got to skin em dry em and take only a small amount, they worked well for Alec in wonderland lol


Well-Known Member
fuck taking them now tho. i dont think my fragile little mind could take it lol. im like sambo, i used to be able to look at the baco on my hand when rolling a joint and think to my self, i know they look like ants and spiders crawling up my arm but its just baco. i think id freak out now


Well-Known Member
fuck taking them now tho. i dont think my fragile little mind could take it lol. im like sambo, i used to be able to look at the baco on my hand when rolling a joint and think to my self, i know they look like ants and spiders crawling up my arm but its just baco. i think id freak out now
did ya get my pm mrt?


Well-Known Member
who ever is smoking or buying that northern lights x big bud the cheese or white rhino in wales. look out the filth are doing a big one this week.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Huzah. Having a black girlfriend has allowedme to embrace my racist side without fear of persecution :lol:

I just took a stanley knife around the rim of my grinder :) Due to my cooking course i'm trying to make tonight my last night of alcohol so trying to have fun :)



Well-Known Member

lmao £260 fine was quite a fun day 1st time at court n all that lol


Well-Known Member

Only fucking hot dogs it is then


Well-Known Member
Glad ya dint get banged up old boy, new ya wont, did ya mukka end up takin you then?
no i got a lift there and back and was out in 1.30hrs, carnt complain oldboy.

thats a tune i aint heard in ages. well least u still a 3 man sambo.
yeah fuck that they could have charged me endangering the plane and i could have maybe gone nick, fuck that, am chuffed but feel a nob i was smashed on that plane causing havoc never again, i wont ever drink again flying.


Well-Known Member
I always wonder where they worked out how much to fine you, makes you laugh. My first court appearance I got 60 quid for possession. I walked out thinking, 60 quid, that don't pay for shit, ffs.

lmao £260 fine was quite a fun day 1st time at court n all that lol
And that was decades ago, now a days what the fuk does 260 pay for? the judge was probably taking more than that for his 20 minutes of deliberation....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
£60 for posession? Lol, i only got £70 for hashing up a couple of walls drink driving :D But then again i guess they don't need to because they know they'll be reaping in the money once i started driving again.