ive noticed if i start itching fora drink ah cpl of blues, only 2 though, and im sound. i just chill and do sumthing else. but its not sumthing i do often.
will do,, thats what they give to alichies to rattle in jail,, valium,,so we all used to g in pretending to be alki junkies lmao just for the vallies,,, damn i rember bak in the day in jail 2 paracentamol and get bak to yer pad,, LOL hard times man.
i been taking them zoppies recently,but they no longer have any fucking effect,,certainly dont help me sleep so i guess ther going sambo's way again

cut down on the pre-gabs too,,again on ther way to sambo they will go
chedz wat u wanting to do m8? havent herd from u? ring me tomoz,, l save em up over next few weeks til your ready then just sedn em all in1 if you want?> be easier,up to you,, bit late for this week now so be a double next week,,